Hey all. Haven’t done much with playing my drums lately due to a variety of real life stuff going on, but hoping to change that again soon. I did do some more small upgrades to my set and figured I’d need to show you guys in my thread here. I’ve had parts sitting around for quite a while but finally got to it yesterday .
Got some of the older style Pearl rack bars and some clamps for them (those clamps took a while to find) and connected the back of my rack over to the gong stand with them, effectively eliminating one of the tripod floor stands on each side of my drum set.
Speaking of tripod stands, the cymbal stand over by my floor toms that was holding 2 Chinas and my agogo bells now got my splash cymbal mounted to it as well (moving it up forward from the stacker stand that was on my last crash). To keep the wobble down on this massive stand, I used a rack clamp and a spare bar and clamped that cymbal stand right to the rack to keep it more solid. That's how my Legless Ludwig hi-hat stand always was connected to my rack, so doing the same thing on the other side works, too.
I used to have my ice bell boomed off that stand as well with a clamp, but now it’s mounted to the new rack bar on that side of the set.
I also finally mounted one of the 12x15” Black Panther toms I had in my first floor tom position, using a Pearl Optimount connected to the rack. In one of the pics you can see where I removed the old Pearl Hex-Arm mount that came on the tom under the Optimount. So instead of the 16-16-18” I was running, I am now messing around with a 15-16-18” floor tom setup……and I moved the old 16” floor tom over to the left side by my percussion stuff. Will mess around with it over there and see how that goes.
I also picked up some Ludwig ATLAS mounts for my rack toms a little while back, but still need to configure that whole thing, so that’s another project for a different day.