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Vintage Ludwig deal - Need help!


From btreat

Really? Only $1,500 tops for a 50 year old WMP Ludwig set with original everything, plus new replacement heads? Seems low. Glad I don't plan to sell anytime soon.

Your kit, which I saw in your link, is probably worth $2000 to $2500 I would guess. Its in terrific condition. Most sets after 50 years don't look nearly that good. My son just got a 1962/63 pre serial set of super classics 13/16/22 in WMP from Steve Maxwell for $1400 with original everything in much better shape the the OP's pictures and with no extra drilled holes, no damage to the wrap or shells except for a slight bit of damage to the inlay on one hoop, very little rust and pitting on the chrome and a much less yellowed wrap. I think that anything over $800 to $900 for the set the OP is looking at, in that condition, would be too high, and even at that price, I might hesitate because of the condition. I'm not interested in fixer upper projects, I'm interested in playing.

Posted on 9 years ago

From crankyfrankie

Congratulations on your acquisition. A few things concerning the shell interiors and/or the overall structural condition of the drums that I think bear mentioning. First, is that a natural maple shell interior would've been quite unusual for this era, as they were typically painted white. I suspect that someone stripped off the paint at some point (did it once myself), as I think I see traces of white paint inside some of the grooves and gouges; also, the lug screws look as if they had some contact with a corrosive. I could be wrong on the last point, as sometimes heat treatments or galvanizing will make metal parts look as if they were tossed in acid. If in fact the paint was stripped off does have an adverse effect on value, but not as much as the usual value-killers like extra holes or the addition of non-standard or modern hardware.There's what appears to be some evidence of mold or mildew on the interior, which doesn't necessarily mean that the drums were stored in a damp or flooded area, as such can form simply by being stored in a humid climate. Also, what might look like the beginnings of ply separation on some of the interiors is actually normal, as this was back when Ludwig formed their shells with the wrap in one operation, so there is often a small "bump" on the shell that some may take to mean that the shell is out-of-round (well, technically, it is, but it came that way from the factory). To elaborate, mid-sixties Ludwig shells typically had about 1-2" of a wrap "tail" inside the shell (between the plies). As wrap is subject to shrinkage, with pearls and stratas being the worst, and coupled with the likelihood that these spent most of their life in humid and hot climate (as evidenced by the amount of yellowing, which is caused by heat and direct sunlight), the interior ply may lift a little as the wrap shrinks back. Luckily for those who may have similar issues, the reinforcement rings that Ludwig used back then are quite thick and strong, so there should be any issues with roundness insofar as the bearing edge is concerned.Finally, a method for brightening up oxidized and slightly rusty hardware that I have had considerable success with is to use a vibrating tumbler with crushed walnut shells (the latter can be bought at a pet shop that sells reptiles). Leave them in the machine for four or more hours, and the lugs should come out clean. These machines can be bought for under $100 (paid $40 for mine) from Harbor Freight Tools. them even more with a good chrome polish like Mother's. Surface rust on hoops can come off by vigorously rubbing the area with aluminum foil and water. To clean up the wrap, I highly recommend Novus 2 (it will not, however, get rid of yellowing: in fact, nothing will). Enjoy your kit!

Thank your for your reply. Have a good day!

Posted on 9 years ago

From vibes

The inside of your shells are fine. You can glue that wood back down on the inside of tha tom. Use some wood glue and clamp it. Wood glue will not stick to plastic or cellophane wrap. What I have done is place cellphone between the shell repair and a thin piece of wood and clamp it. That way the wood piece won't stick to your shell with the repair. Then you can clean the outside the best you can. I don't think it will be to noticeable. Soak your lugs and screws in some dawn and water mix. I have used tin foil and Turtle wax chrome polish for rims and lugs and you won't believe the shine. Clean the wraps, new heads, you will have some very nice vintage Ludwig's.

Hi. Thanks for your tip. I'm thinking about it. The inside wood ply isn't a problem, it will come back to place. I don't know what to do outside. The wrap is still there, maybe I can pull it out and put it in place... The wood glue will help holding it. What do you think?


Posted on 9 years ago

From BosLover

Your kit, which I saw in your link, is probably worth $2000 to $2500 I would guess. Its in terrific condition. Most sets after 50 years don't look nearly that good. My son just got a 1962/63 pre serial set of super classics 13/16/22 in WMP from Steve Maxwell for $1400 with original everything in much better shape the the OP's pictures and with no extra drilled holes, no damage to the wrap or shells except for a slight bit of damage to the inlay on one hoop, very little rust and pitting on the chrome and a much less yellowed wrap. I think that anything over $800 to $900 for the set the OP is looking at, in that condition, would be too high, and even at that price, I might hesitate because of the condition. I'm not interested in fixer upper projects, I'm interested in playing.

Hi, I'm the OP. Just to say I paid 850 for the kit with a 14x5 Supra and some hardware (not in photo). I hesitated too, but maybe you don't know how hard is too find a kit like this in my country. At least it doesn't have extra holes or modifications... Almost all vintage kits I see for sale next to me have modifications. I really wanted a kit like this, so I had to raise my offer. I like the restoration process, so it isn't a problem to me. I will take care of this kit and give it some love.


Posted on 9 years ago

This was a fine deal and I bet they sound great. With patience and the expert advice threads here you can repair the wrap well enough. Take them apart and clean them up and have patience. Check all the lugs and hardware. Leave the inside seams alone and glue the wrap and play them. They may not be perfect, but you can make them easily pass the 6 foot test.


Ludwig Drums ('65-'69)
Posted on 9 years ago

From bumzdrummer

This was a fine deal and I bet they sound great. With patience and the expert advice threads here you can repair the wrap well enough. Take them apart and clean them up and have patience. Check all the lugs and hardware. Leave the inside seams alone and glue the wrap and play them. They may not be perfect, but you can make them easily pass the 6 foot test.Enjoy!

Hi. When I went check the drums in person, I was expecting a better condition kit. I had a value range in my mind to offer but when I saw the kit I changed it instantly.

I offered 500, and then 600... but the seller was asking for 1200 (note that this value included a 14"x5" Supra, a Paiste 200 hihat cymbal, old stands and cheap bass drum pedal).

I really wanted a kit like this and they are hard to find here, so I raised my offer to 800 and finally to 850. I knew that probably this was a high value due to its condition and the possible shell problems (I'm still not sure about it), but you know... I was looking to a beautiful kit inside a car ready to escape from my hands. I had to do it.

(You don't know but a year ago I let a 70's Psychadelic Red kit escape, in very good condition. They stayed for almost 40 years inside the cases! I will never forgive myself for not buying it immediately! It was sold to other guy.)

Backing to my WMP kit, I am collecting some info first and reading the replies in this thread. One of these days I will start the restoration project. (Maybe I should create a new thread to share the project with you guys.) I hope that this shells are sounding good just like they are, who knows... I never played a kit like this, so I'm not sure if I am capable of judging its sound.

Your help is very much appreciated.


Posted on 9 years ago

From JohnBonham

Hi, I'm the OP. Just to say I paid 850 for the kit with a 14x5 Supra and some hardware (not in photo). I hesitated too, but maybe you don't know how hard is too find a kit like this in my country. At least it doesn't have extra holes or modifications... Almost all vintage kits I see for sale next to me have modifications. I really wanted a kit like this, so I had to raise my offer. I like the restoration process, so it isn't a problem to me. I will take care of this kit and give it some love.Cheers

Please don't misunderstand me. I think 850 Euros for all that is a pretty good price, especially if kits that like are hard to come by. In the US, Ludwig's home country the availability is much better, but even here its still very limited. But, sets are out there, I recently saw an 1969 Ludwig Super Classic 13/16/22 red sparkle kit in good condition at my local Sam Ash Music Store (a musical instrument chain here) for $759! but I passed it up because I've never liked red sparkle. Only weeks later my son picked up a 1962/64 Super Classic kit 13/16/22 in WMP. It was almost double the money at $1400, but it was exactly what he wanted and in great shape and all original, unlike the other kit which had been modified with the addition of a 1980's double tom mount and the removal of the original rail consolette. I suspect because of availability, if you saw red sparkle kit where you are for 750 Euros you might have jumped on it. With a little tender loving care your Super Classic WMP will end up a very nice kit. The major difference between your kit and the one my son bought is the shell material. Your shells are maple/poplar, his kit is several years older with shells of mahogany/poplar.

Posted on 9 years ago

From BosLover

Please don't misunderstand me. I think 850 Euros for all that is a pretty good price, especially if kits that like are hard to come by. In the US, Ludwig's home country the availability is much better, but even here its still very limited. But, sets are out there, I recently saw an 1969 Ludwig Super Classic 13/16/22 red sparkle kit in good condition at my local Sam Ash Music Store (a musical instrument chain here) for $759! but I passed it up because I've never liked red sparkle. Only weeks later my son picked up a 1962/64 Super Classic kit 13/16/22 in WMP. It was almost double the money at $1400, but it was exactly what he wanted and in great shape and all original, unlike the other kit which had been modified with the addition of a 1980's double tom mount and the removal of the original rail consolette. I suspect because of availability, if you saw red sparkle kit where you are for 750 Euros you might have jumped on it. With a little tender loving care your Super Classic WMP will end up a very nice kit. The major difference between your kit and the one my son bought is the shell material. Your shells are maple/poplar, his kit is several years older with shells of mahogany/poplar.

Hi. You're right about the finish. I just wanted a Ludwig vintage kit, didn't care about the finish. Anyway, I really like this wrap. It just needs to be cleaned and polished, I'll let the yellow.


Posted on 9 years ago
Posts: 6524 Threads: 37

The copper is usually applied to steel to grab the Chrome, use a frige magnet if it sticks it`s steel.

It`s a drum,.....Hit It !!

.....76/#XK9207 Phonic Sound Machine D454/D-505 snares !i
Posted on 9 years ago

Congrats on your kit. You got a great deal, especially with the Supra.

Imagine the stories that kit could tell if it could talk.

Posted on 9 years ago
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