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Vintage Ludwig deal - Need help!


Hi. The guy is asking for 1000 Eur. The small tom has a hole trough the wrap and shell. Bearing edges are OK I think, but the seams appears to be damaged. The seams are not aligned. The supra has rust inside. What do tou think?

Posted on 9 years ago

Ok. I could not resist and made my last offer. This drums are mine now! Thank you all for your comments and help.

Let me share with you some photos of the shells. (I didn't take photo of supraphonic but it came with the kit too). The bass drum is a 22" and toms are 13" and 16".




Bass drum




Pay attention to the seams and reinforcement rings. The seams appear to be out of place and the re-rings have glue(?) marks. Is this normal?

Posted on 9 years ago

Bass drum (Continues...)





Posted on 9 years ago
Posts: 5550 Threads: 576

look like a lot of damage very rough repair,,,,

April 2nd 1969 scarfed pink champagne holly wood and 65/66 downbeat snare, and , supra same year very minty kit old pies
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp

once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
Posted on 9 years ago

13" Tom



Hole trough the shell



I'm thinking how to repair this hole. Your help is welcome.

Posted on 9 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

That looks like typical Ludwig work to me for the most part. Obviously the hole isn't "factory".

Ludwig still makes the bracket that is missing on the bass drum (cymbal arm holder) so that is an easy fix.

Posted on 9 years ago

16" Floor tom




Posted on 9 years ago

From schmegeggie

Looks like a decent set of 50 year old Ludwig's to me!I start at the top. What is a perfect condition kit like this worth? $1500 or so? Now, start deducting from there. Rust present? New heads? Condition issue's? Non original hardware? Extra holes? Everything is a deduction. Then, base your offer on that.I've walked away from many deals because the seller looked at too many fleabay adds or saw perfect examples on line, and that's the price they were sticking to. They won't budge on the price usually, so I walk!On the flip side, if they are reasonable, and you can point out some things the kit needs, you can make an amicable deal!Good luck, and remember, condition is EVERYTHING!

Really? Only $1,500 tops for a 50 year old WMP Ludwig set with original everything, plus new replacement heads? Seems low. Glad I don't plan to sell anytime soon.

Posted on 9 years ago

Congratulations on your acquisition.

A few things concerning the shell interiors and/or the overall structural condition of the drums that I think bear mentioning. First, is that a natural maple shell interior would've been quite unusual for this era, as they were typically painted white. I suspect that someone stripped off the paint at some point (did it once myself), as I think I see traces of white paint inside some of the grooves and gouges; also, the lug screws look as if they had some contact with a corrosive. I could be wrong on the last point, as sometimes heat treatments or galvanizing will make metal parts look as if they were tossed in acid. If in fact the paint was stripped off does have an adverse effect on value, but not as much as the usual value-killers like extra holes or the addition of non-standard or modern hardware.

There's what appears to be some evidence of mold or mildew on the interior, which doesn't necessarily mean that the drums were stored in a damp or flooded area, as such can form simply by being stored in a humid climate.

Also, what might look like the beginnings of ply separation on some of the interiors is actually normal, as this was back when Ludwig formed their shells with the wrap in one operation, so there is often a small "bump" on the shell that some may take to mean that the shell is out-of-round (well, technically, it is, but it came that way from the factory). To elaborate, mid-sixties Ludwig shells typically had about 1-2" of a wrap "tail" inside the shell (between the plies). As wrap is subject to shrinkage, with pearls and stratas being the worst, and coupled with the likelihood that these spent most of their life in humid and hot climate (as evidenced by the amount of yellowing, which is caused by heat and direct sunlight), the interior ply may lift a little as the wrap shrinks back. Luckily for those who may have similar issues, the reinforcement rings that Ludwig used back then are quite thick and strong, so there should be any issues with roundness insofar as the bearing edge is concerned.

Finally, a method for brightening up oxidized and slightly rusty hardware that I have had considerable success with is to use a vibrating tumbler with crushed walnut shells (the latter can be bought at a pet shop that sells reptiles). Leave them in the machine for four or more hours, and the lugs should come out clean. These machines can be bought for under $100 (paid $40 for mine) from Harbor Freight Tools.

Brighten them even more with a good chrome polish like Mother's.

Surface rust on hoops can come off by vigorously rubbing the area with aluminum foil and water. To clean up the wrap, I highly recommend Novus 2 (it will not, however, get rid of yellowing: in fact, nothing will).

Enjoy your kit!

Posted on 9 years ago
Posts: 1525 Threads: 127

The inside of your shells are fine. You can glue that wood back down on the inside of tha tom. Use some wood glue and clamp it. Wood glue will not stick to plastic or cellophane wrap. What I have done is place cellphone between the shell repair and a thin piece of wood and clamp it. That way the wood piece won't stick to your shell with the repair. Then you can clean the outside the best you can. I don't think it will be to noticeable. Soak your lugs and screws in some dawn and water mix. I have used tin foil and Turtle wax chrome polish for rims and lugs and you won't believe the shine. Clean the wraps, new heads, you will have some very nice vintage Ludwig's.

Posted on 9 years ago
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