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Australian Collectors Group Last viewed: 3 weeks ago


Try Andrew Lilja @ Drum Palace 0398489050 or or Gumtree/TradingPost.

Posted on 12 years ago

Thanks very much for the reply. No luck with either source. I did find a Drouyn tom on Gumtree if anybody's interested.

I really appreciate the links nonetheless. I'll check them from time-to-time.

Take care.


Vintage Drum Student
Posted on 12 years ago

From relayer

Hi guys,A shot in the dark here, but might anyone have a lead on a Drouyn snare? The older and deeper the better. I imagine with their heyday being in the '50s and '60s, they didn't make anything any deeper than a 6.5", if that. I've checked eBay Australia, but nothing has turned up in quite some time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.Take care.Stephen

Almost, but not quite. I have a DANDY snare (same poeple as Drouyn, and pretty much the same as far as I can tell), circa 1950, can't remember the depth offhand but I'm thing at least 5.5. It's a heavy drum! Certainly not perfect, but the issues in terms of playability are minor. I'm not using it much and have being thinking of selling but haven't got my head around it yet (not a sales ploy just too much going on at the moment). Shoot me a PM (or better still an email to stu_china at Yahoodotcomdot au if you want details etc and while I can't promise a sale, I'll at least keep you in mind if the fog clears.

As an alternative their a Drouyn facebook page (just search Drouyn drums) that has a few people active (may take a while to get a reply.. but at least they are all into Drouyn).

I see metal Drouyns come up on Aust ebay fairly regularly and the drumpalace in Victoria has had them in the past

Cheers Stuart

Posted on 12 years ago

Thanks for the reply Stuart. Sending email.

Take care.


Vintage Drum Student
Posted on 12 years ago

Hello folks, any suggestions on shipping a drum kit to Australia from the USA? Someone has asked for a quote on a 22, 13, 16 kit, and looks like USPS is $400+. Thanks!

Posted on 12 years ago

From AlisterPike

Hey everyone, Alister from Adelaide here.I've got a 1969 Yamaha C-220 which is currently up for sale here > AlisterPike

why are you selling this kit?, this kit came from adelaide originally, i hope it goes to a good home.

Posted on 12 years ago

Does ANYONE from/on this group have either a Dandy or Drouyn 5pc kit for sale or KNOW who's got one or where's one for sale?.ANY colour but in a 5pc "kit" configuration one up&2 down ANY sizes! :).Also Does ANYONE from/on this group (or this site) know what happened to the drummer from the Easybeats Drouyn kit?, is Drouyn still making drums today? :).

Posted on 11 years ago

From Aussievintagedrumuser

Does ANYONE from/on this group have either a Dandy or Drouyn 5pc kit for sale or KNOW who's got one or where's one for sale?.ANY colour but in a 5pc "kit" configuration one up&2 down ANY sizes! :).Also Does ANYONE from/on this group (or this site) know what happened to the drummer from the Easybeats Drouyn kit?, is Drouyn still making drums today? :).

So some answers; I don't have one, one for sale at the moment on Ebay, not in the configuaration you want though, it's one up and one down. I suspect that it would be very rare.

Re the Easybeat kit.. I vaguely remember another forum member ("Antipodes I think) mention he was in a recording studio in Sydney and the Easybeats bass drum was there.. not much help but maybe a small clue.

Lastly, Drouyn are no longer operating and have been closed for a long time.


Posted on 11 years ago

Hard to find, easy to love!


My fave metal snare


Home Of The Trout
YouTube Channel
Posted on 11 years ago

Hi All,

Just found this forum, good to see so many Aussie drummers!

I have a 26x12 Dandy bass drum (early 60's I think) - also have various other bits of the kit (including snare) that are still in "storage" at the ex's house - hopefully I can get them all back...

I'm looking for any Dandy branded drums (not the later Drouyn branded stuff) so I can form a complete kit if possible. In particular looking for rack & floor toms, hardware and maybe another snare.

Any info on these drums would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Posted on 11 years ago
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