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Australian Collectors Group Last viewed: 1 hour ago

Posts: 53 Threads: 18

Hey lads,

Im in Newborough, lived in Melbourne for 5 years after I finished high school but I missed living in the country so I moved back. I'm a full time drummer, so i spend a lot of time in Melbourne on different jobs or I'm going through to the airport to play interstate etc. Im in my car a lot haha.

In the way of vintage collection I have 60's Premier kit, a 69 Ludwig on the way from the states at the moment, Kingston kit (which I don't know a whole lot about) as well as a couple of Acrolites, Dynasonics, Supraphonics, Trixon snares etc, and a lot of other bits and pieces. Oh i have an Olympic kit here too. I also have a lot of "New" gear, a lot of it Yamaha as I have an endorsement with them (I do love the drums though, not just signed up for the sake of having the deal), my sound is too important to me! I won't run through everything but there's a lot of stuff here. Love my drums! What about you guys?

In the way of a scene in Gippsland there is some cool stuff happening. Josh mentioned some good ones, I've played the Westernport a few times on tours around the summer, good fun. Inferno at Traralgon also get's a lot of acts coming through which is always cool, and there's some great festivals around Gippsland like the Boolarra Folk Fest and things like that. I don't know of any actual rehearsal studios in Gippsland, just in Melbourne where most of my rehearsals happen. I know some people hire public halls to rehearse at which can be cool and inexpensive. (as long as you have your own PA i guess).

On ya lads!

Posted on 13 years ago

Hi, looking for any Hayman bits and pieces, if anyone has anything to offload.

Regards, Hihat15

Posted on 13 years ago

Howdy folks. My name is Paul and I'm in Sydney.

Boys seem to like Blue Sparkle so here's mine. Just a phone shot at the moment, but complete with dyna. Love your kits we should have a vintage day with BBQ of course. All the best, PK


Home Of The Trout
YouTube Channel
Posted on 13 years ago

Have got a neighbour in Sydney with a Carlton Dallas kit he bought 2nd hand in London in the 60s (1964???). Any ideas how to work out what year it is? and anyone interested in it - he wants to sell it. He did have some work done on it once and the guy was impressed with the snare. I'm not a drummer so no idea about it. There is a 14inch snare, 12inch Tom and 20inch bass. The cymbals are Zyn.


1 attachments
Posted on 13 years ago

G'day folks, count me in (1,2,3...) for the aussie collectors group.

I'm in Sydney and I've got a few old bits and pieces around the place. I play a great Drouyn kit as mentioned in another post as well as some old Ludwig snares, and I still have my fathers 1957 Premier Royal Ace kit in beautifully yellowed white marine pearl which comes out every now and then for a play.

To restore I have a 40's Leedy snare and a 40's-50's Dandy marching snare. I was thinking of converting the Dandy to a jungle bass drum and adding the Leedy snare as a kit for my small kids....

Always looking on Ebay for a bargain and I love getting the old kits working again. Drums sound better once you've put some of your own elbow grease into the sound.

Cheers! wardy

Posted on 13 years ago

I didn't know we had an Aussie Group here, showsya what I knows!

Nice to meet you Lads! Grab a brew and sits a while.

Sydney huh? Any Dingo's about?


ps: Billy Thorpe Lives!

Posted on 13 years ago

While I'm waiting for my Drouyn kit to arrive, I thought I would let anyone who's interested know that I have begun research into these drums. I am hoping to travel to Brisbane this year for more information. Could anyone here who has any connection with Drouyn/Dandy (including owners) who wants to help please email me: My ultimate aim is to fill in the gaps on Drouyn/Dandy drums as best I can and then see if it can be published - obviously on-line first but if I can get assistance, perhaps a small book. This is a not for profit venture. I would like especially to get good quality pictures of any drums. I feel these are part of our Australian music history and a good yarn to boot. Thanks very much.


Home Of The Trout
YouTube Channel
Posted on 13 years ago
Posts: 186 Threads: 41

Gday guys, great to see this group exists. Im from Adelaide and ive got 5 vintage kits. Im after any 60s pearl parts (badges or bass drum hoops mainly) or any wooding parts (tom arms and a 14 inch tom hoop). Ive got a pre serial 602 hi hat if anyone wants to trade or something.

Cheers guys

Posted on 13 years ago

G'day! :).I'm from Cowes/Philip Island Victoria! :).Do ANY of you blokes that belong to this group have ANY of the following for sale or know ANYONE ANYWHERE that has:Ludwig Atlas snare stands

Ludwig Atlas straight cymbal stands

Ludwig Golden tone 5" cowbell

Ludwig 2a drumsticks

Rogers 'swivomatic" " swan leg" hi-hat stand

Ludwig LM402 either pre-b/o badge or up to 70s b/o badge

Paiste GB "original" either white or black label 24" crash/ride.

Ta lads/mates! :)


Posted on 12 years ago

G'day, I'm Steve from northern NSW.

I bought a great looking 1969 Yamaha kit last year. It's got the red tiger print wrap and the sizes are 20" bass, 13" tom, 16" floor tom and 14" matching snare.

I use it regularly and much prefer it to my newer Pearl Vision kit. It suits my band's style anyway.

Hoping to buy a complete set of flat base stands soon and maybe some vintage style cymbals. I also need a new bass pedal but I'm not sure what to get, something to fit the period would be nice.

My ultimate aim is to buy a similar vintage Ludwig kit in the same sizes, but with a 22" bass drum.

Posted on 12 years ago
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