I feel like I read it as Gunshaker has permission based on the fact he said he was the only one who would put the time into the drums. Perhaps his band director gave him permission. I can't imagine walking out of a school with a kit the size of a Blue Note unnoticed.I would like to know where the high schools of this world are that have Trans badge Ludwig Blue Notes, Acrolites and Supras laying around.I sure as hell hope the line isn't at downloading/bootlegging music. LoLoLoLoMaybe I'm new-fashioned, but stealing isn't cool, and neither is calling people retarded.Probably. I love chatting drums with anyone and everyone who will listen.
You’re right about the permission part. My BD gave it to me as a gift last Christmas, he said that I “deserved it”. Honestly, I though he would’ve been better off selling it and the other stuff in there (there were some old 40’s intermediate and professional model cornets back there with the kit among other things). For all of those who think I stole it, I’m not that immoral, and also not stupid enough to try and lift a relatively large kit from a very open band room.
Also, Hobbs, I’ll add some details to clear things up. The policy our school district has is that if it’s on the schools registry, then the school decided what happens to it and where it goes. If there’s an unregistered item in a classroom that isn’t someone’s (the kit for example, or the other instruments in the back), then the teacher is able to take management over that object. That includes selling the item and put the money from the sale into the band’s funds.