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you know what i hate

Posts: 3972 Threads: 180

O-Lugs - great story! Nothing at all wrong with that. You weren't actively patrolling the waters searching out unsuspecting prey, which was the point of the posts above. You helped out a guy and gave him a good deal and you got a good deal. Your ethics were pure and did not change in accordance with the situation. You did if I'm some stupid judge:rolleyes:. Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with that scenario. Your ethics remained in tact. It's the ones who actively search out the unsuspecting in hopes of stealing the kit from them to turn a profit ... all in the name of their god 'money'. Bad mojo fo sho.

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188


here's another story...

Back in 1999, I was renting a house. My landlord was a really cool guy. In the basement, there was this "thing". It turns out it's a clay slab roller for making tiles. It's a big, heavy contraption.

But, when I moved out, the landlord asked me if I wanted to take the thing. I said, "Sure! Why not?"

The damn thing has been sitting in my basement for 10 years and has not been touched. It's started to get rusty. I have no intention of ever using it to make clay slabs or tiles.

So, my point? here it comes!...:)

If someone were to offer me $1.00 for it right now -along with the promise to come and get it (It's heavy!), then they can have it. I can try to imagine some art student specializing in ceramics getting wind of this deal and coming over thinking, "This guy doesn't know it but that clay slab roller is worth $1000.00 and I'm getting it for ONE dollar! Happy Day!"

You know what? I don't care! If he wants it, then he can have it. If he wants to turn around and sell it for $10K, then I say, "Go for it!"

Why am I not unhappy knowing, in retrospect, that I could have made more? Answer: Because I simply don't care for that particular object taking up space in my home any more and the prospect of someone coming and hauling it off is reward in and of itself!

Can the same thing hold true for an old drum set that nobody wants to store any longer? Yes. I think so.

We love drums, but not everyone does. Some people love clay slab rollers!

*By the way, if anyone of you needs a clay slab roller.....


"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 14 years ago

From O-Lugs

:)here's another story...Back in 1999, I was renting a house. My landlord was a really cool guy. In the basement, there was this "thing". It turns out it's a clay slab roller for making tiles. It's a big, heavy contraption. But, when I moved out, the landlord asked me if I wanted to take the thing. I said, "Sure! Why not?"The damn thing has been sitting in my basement for 10 years and has not been touched. It's started to get rusty. I have no intenetion of ever using it to make clay slabs or tiles.So, my point? here it comes!...:)If someone were to offer me $1.00 for it right now -along with the promise to come and get it (It's heavy!), then they can have it. I can try to imagine some art student specializing in ceramics getting wind of this deal and coming over thinking, "This guy doesn't know it but that clay slab roller is worth $1000.00 and I'm getting it for ONE dollar! Happy Day!" You know what? I don't care! If he wants it, then he can have it. If he wants to turn around and sell it for $10K, then I say, "Go for it!" Why am I not unhappy knowing, in retrospect, that I could have made more? Answer: Because I simply don't care for that particular object taking up space in my home any more and the prospect of someone coming and hauling it off is reward in and of itself! Can the same thing hold true for an old drum set that nobody wants to store any longer? Yes. I think so.We love drums, but not everyone does. Some people love clay slab rollers!*By the way, if anyone of you needs a clay slab roller.....;)

O-Lugs, that is the point I was trying to make in an earlier post I made: Some people could care less about the value of a drum, they just want to clear out some room in the basement. I suppose this point will carry a lot more weight if you say it, though...:D

Posted on 14 years ago

From mcjnic

O-Lugs - great story! Nothing at all wrong with that. You weren't actively patrolling the waters searching out unsuspecting prey, which was the point of the posts above. You helped out a guy and gave him a good deal and you got a good deal. Your ethics were pure and did not change in accordance with the situation. You did if I'm some stupid judge:rolleyes:. Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with that scenario. Your ethics remained in tact. It's the ones who actively search out the unsuspecting in hopes of stealing the kit from them to turn a profit ... all in the name of their god 'money'. Bad mojo fo sho.

So, if someone calls me up and asks me if I want to buy a drumset for $30 it's ok to pay way less than what it's worth, but if I find someone advertising or auctioning one off for $30, it's not and I should offer them more money than they're asking in an effort to maintain my integrity...Ok, I think I've got it now. Thanks for the moral guidance:rolleyes: All kidding aside, don't you think that's a little hypocritical?

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

From Ludwigs4Life

O-Lugs, that is the point I was trying to make in an earlier post I made: Some people could care less about the value of a drum, they just want to clear out some room in the basement.

I agree with this. I have seen it. I have lived it. Clay slab roller, anyone?! ;)

From Ludwigs4Life

I suppose this point will carry a lot more weight if you say it, though...:D

HA! Don't be so sure! :)

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 5173 Threads: 188

Anyone participating in this discussion and who has Netflix or can rent DVDs, needs to do the following:

#1. Rent the movie called "Who the @#$% Is Jackson Pollock?"

Believe me, if you've never believed anything I've ever told you before, then believe this! You will LOVE this movie! And, after watching it, you all will come away with a renewed perspective on all this kind of stuff. Plus, you will enjoy it because it's well done. It's a documentary, btw.

#2. repeat #1

#3. Seriously repeat #1!


"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 5227 Threads: 555

I think these drum collecter's that run listing's on C/L are pretty low..I see listing's that say "wanted old broken drums" or "want to buy a drum set" then give name's like Ludwig,Roger's,Camco ete the older the better in the listing's.Their's a guy on C/L in ca[[S.D.]] who run's these listing all the time the lowest of the low.Drum collecter's in ca will Not deal with him at all,he has been run out of Vintage drum show's in ca..I myself would not or will not run listing's like that on C/L to try to get vintage drum's that way, i get most of my vintage drum's from pawn shop's and sale's..I would not low ball a seller on a vintage drum or set, but if they are asking say 100.00 for a 30s ludwig B/B snare drum i would let them know that the drum should sell for more than that, i will give them more than the price they are asking..I have alot of stories about that,A few year's ago i went into a pawn shop this guy was selling a Roger's skinny snare drum he only wanted 20.00 for it to buy some food,so i went by him and said i will buy it from you out side-said this to him why the pawn shop guy was dealing with some else--Make a longer story short i give the guy 100.00 for it...Mikey

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 3972 Threads: 180

From Ludwigs4Life

So, if someone calls me up and asks me if I want to buy a drumset for $30 it's ok to pay way less than what it's worth, but if I find someone advertising or auctioning one off for $30, it's not and I should offer them more money than they're asking in an effort to maintain my integrity...Ok, I think I've got it now. Thanks for the moral guidance:rolleyes: All kidding aside, don't you think that's a little hypocritical?

You know, for someone who read the freekin' thread, you sure enough got into the weeds on this one. My posts have been only about one.

This thread (and all of my posts here) has been focused upon one type of individual - the shark who actively patrols the waters looking for someone to take advantage. Reread the original thread starter. I never deviated. THAT'S who I'm referring. All this other treacle is moot. You could come up with one hundred other scenarios and find different ways to look at them. But this thread was about only one.

If you disagree with my ethical stance or my moral values, so be it. It's not my place to judge you or your place to judge me. We be different. As I stated in a previous post, where we set that bar or draw that line determines and defines our character. Good Bad Right Wrong or Indifferent. It is what it is. If you choose to actively take advantage of someone, that's just who you are. If I view someone actively taking advantage of someone and feel it's wrong, that's who I am. I draw my own line. You draw yours. I cannot question your line. But, I can certainly disaprove of it. And, I can monitor your actions and not do business with you. That's called fiscal responsibility. You won't pick a fight here.

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 45 Threads: 13


WOW! egw: That is some really convoluted thinking. Don't know what to think about it. But the term family hairloom comes to mind. I'am just a player also not a collector.

Tom, thanks for your reply. I don't want to start an argument or anything, but if you read what I had said carefully, I don't think you would say it's "convoluted".

Maybe I should have been clearer, but what I wrote was basically that I think it's better for a valuable instrument to get into the right hands (ie, someone who knows how to take care of it) instead of being sent to the dump or being given for free to some kid who will destroy it.

If it's a family heirloom (not hairloom, by the way), it should not be let go of anyway. That's a whole different story. If I'm mistaken, I'm sorry, but I thought we were talking about instruments that were sitting in people's attics and basements that were unwanted and taking up space.

If you want to talk about heirlooms, my family has a collection of vintage Gretsch, Ludwig, and Slingerland Radio King drums as well as a slew of vintage guitars (sorry I'm not a guitarist so I can't provide details) that were owned by late family members who played with well-known musicians that are REAL heirlooms and as such will not leave the family any time soon. That's an heirloom.

If this thread was discussing people selling heirlooms (which doesn't really register with me in the first place) I'm sorry if I was out of place with my first response. But, to repeat what I'd said originally, I'd prefer to see great vintage instruments re-distributed to knowledgeable owners than tossed out for nothing since the owner needs the space, has no sentimental connections, and doesn't know that they're worth anything.

Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 6287 Threads: 375

I think you had a good point actually, egw.....

A point of light brought out to be considered.

Posted on 14 years ago
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