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Ludwig Standard Granitone Questions


I am restoring a Ludwig Standard Gold Strata kit and came across 2 different types of grey paint interiors. The 13 inch rack is more like the Granitone I have on my other Ludwig Standard from the same time period and the 16 inch floor tom has more of a flat chalky grey paint. Has anyone else come across this in the past? Both are original interior paints and are date stamped. Oh and more importantly where can I find either type of paint to repaint the interior of the kick drum. I had to strip it down to the wood because someone painted it black.

Another interesting note is that the interior ply of the kick is mahogany not maple. I thought the 3 plies during this time period were Maple Poplar Maple not Mahogany. Anyone else seen this before?

Thanks in advance for your help!

1954 Gretsch Name Band Outfit White Marine Pearl
1964 Ludwig Downbeat Kit Champagne Sparkle
1964 Ludwig Jazz Combo Kit Gold Sparkle
1964 Gretsch Jazz Progressive Jazz Progressive Kit
1965 Ludwig Club Date Kit BDP
1971 Slingerland 13,16,22 in Black Sparkle
1979 Rogers XP-8 Super Londoner Tobacco Sunburst
1982 Rogers XP-8 Black Londoner
Numerous Snare Drums
Posted on 7 years ago

I have seen variation in the appearance of the Granitone interior, but have not tracked the differences to date or serial number ranges. Can you send me the date stamps and serial numbers on each of these drums (and the bass)? I will look at some of the pictures I have gathered of Standard drums and their interiors and see if I can detect any pattern or timing.

Collecting information about the following for ongoing research projects:
Gretsch drums with serial numbers,
Ludwig Keystone and B/O badge drums with serial numbers and date stamps,
Ludwig Standards from 1968-73, and
Ludwigs with paper labels from 1971-72
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 6170 Threads: 255

I always assumed that the granitone on the Standards was a good way for Ludwig to use some leftover shells. They went to the maple interiors in '68. Ludwig was bound to have some mahogany shells or material for shells in inventory. They were known to be creative in using what they had left as to not generate waste. This would be a nice way to do so.

Posted on 7 years ago

Kick is 18739

Floor Tom is 18756 Floor is date stamped but it is smudged. Year looks like 1970

Rack Tom is 18908

Snare is 16915.

Thanks KC!

1954 Gretsch Name Band Outfit White Marine Pearl
1964 Ludwig Downbeat Kit Champagne Sparkle
1964 Ludwig Jazz Combo Kit Gold Sparkle
1964 Gretsch Jazz Progressive Jazz Progressive Kit
1965 Ludwig Club Date Kit BDP
1971 Slingerland 13,16,22 in Black Sparkle
1979 Rogers XP-8 Super Londoner Tobacco Sunburst
1982 Rogers XP-8 Black Londoner
Numerous Snare Drums
Posted on 7 years ago

If I were to guess I would say the stamp is March 30th 1970. But seriously a guess!

1954 Gretsch Name Band Outfit White Marine Pearl
1964 Ludwig Downbeat Kit Champagne Sparkle
1964 Ludwig Jazz Combo Kit Gold Sparkle
1964 Gretsch Jazz Progressive Jazz Progressive Kit
1965 Ludwig Club Date Kit BDP
1971 Slingerland 13,16,22 in Black Sparkle
1979 Rogers XP-8 Super Londoner Tobacco Sunburst
1982 Rogers XP-8 Black Londoner
Numerous Snare Drums
Posted on 7 years ago

The first-year Standard series, around 1968, used shells with white resocoat interiors. I had one of these kits! I also assumed that the later Granitone paint was always the same, but your bass drum proves otherwise.


Posted on 7 years ago

Anyone know what paint is a good match for the more widely used granitone on the 13 inch tom so I can use it to finish the kick?

1954 Gretsch Name Band Outfit White Marine Pearl
1964 Ludwig Downbeat Kit Champagne Sparkle
1964 Ludwig Jazz Combo Kit Gold Sparkle
1964 Gretsch Jazz Progressive Jazz Progressive Kit
1965 Ludwig Club Date Kit BDP
1971 Slingerland 13,16,22 in Black Sparkle
1979 Rogers XP-8 Super Londoner Tobacco Sunburst
1982 Rogers XP-8 Black Londoner
Numerous Snare Drums
Posted on 7 years ago

Some stats for everyone:

There are 494 wood shelled Standard drums in my database for which I have recorded information about their interior finish.

73 have Reso-Cote interiors

401 have Granitone interiors

12 have wrap to match their exteriors

4 have Clear interiors

4 have been painted red or black to cover whatever finish they had from the factory

The Reso-Cote tend to be drums with lower serial numbers, but Granitone is also well represented. Clear interiors tend to be higher serial numbers.

Collecting information about the following for ongoing research projects:
Gretsch drums with serial numbers,
Ludwig Keystone and B/O badge drums with serial numbers and date stamps,
Ludwig Standards from 1968-73, and
Ludwigs with paper labels from 1971-72
Posted on 7 years ago

Awesome info KC! Are all of the clear interiors maple? And are all the granitone interiors the same or are they varied?

1954 Gretsch Name Band Outfit White Marine Pearl
1964 Ludwig Downbeat Kit Champagne Sparkle
1964 Ludwig Jazz Combo Kit Gold Sparkle
1964 Gretsch Jazz Progressive Jazz Progressive Kit
1965 Ludwig Club Date Kit BDP
1971 Slingerland 13,16,22 in Black Sparkle
1979 Rogers XP-8 Super Londoner Tobacco Sunburst
1982 Rogers XP-8 Black Londoner
Numerous Snare Drums
Posted on 7 years ago

The clear interiors are maple. I will have to look at more pictures to see the amount of variation in the Granitone.

Collecting information about the following for ongoing research projects:
Gretsch drums with serial numbers,
Ludwig Keystone and B/O badge drums with serial numbers and date stamps,
Ludwig Standards from 1968-73, and
Ludwigs with paper labels from 1971-72
Posted on 7 years ago
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