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Where is introduction part of forum?


From filo

Hi everybody! I can't find an introduction forum...anywayI'm from italy, 35, i love drums and music. I played and owned several kit but last month i felt in love with something that i have always thought too old...ludwig '60 kitSo i'm trying to learn more...

Ciao Filo and benvenuto. My grandfather was born in Termini-Imerese, Palermo and I hope to someday take my mother to the birthplace of her father. However, I get the feeling there will be few who speak English and I only now a few words in Italian :)

I'm new to Vintage Drum Forum (VDF) as well but I can tell you there are many helpful "drum brothers" here and we all share the same love of vintage drums. You will find there are MANY fans of 60's Ludwig drums here and they will definitely be able to help you with information. I hope to add a 60's Ludwig to my collection someday, but for now my Slingerland and Rogers will have to due.

I'm not familiar with all of the details, but I do know some shippers won't ship to Italia. Again, I'm not sure why that is. Perhaps customs? Anyhow, I hope there are some good sources for vintage gear over there. I know some folks really love Italian cymbals like UFIP. I recently purchased a late 40's Slingerland kit that has several old cymbals that are stamped "Made in Italy". I need to learn more about their history and origin.

Again, welcome to VDF from one "noobie" to another "noobie".

a presto,


aka red66charger


Looking for:
- L.A. Camco 12" Stradivarius Tom Tom
Posted on 11 years ago
Posts: 507 Threads: 31

From filo

Hi everybody! I can't find an introduction forum...anywayI'm from italy, 35, i love drums and music. I played and owned several kit but last month i felt in love with something that i have always thought too old...ludwig '60 kitSo i'm trying to learn more...

Welcome filo! We love pictures.

Believe it or else!
Posted on 11 years ago

This will do. Looked for an hour trying to find the "Introduction" part but...this will pass ,I guess.

I own and have owned some old gems in my lifetime. I started with a used kit called"Beltone" in 1968. Moved up to a sixties set of Slingerland's in 1970.Gosh, it's so long ago,I've forgotten the model.They were top drawer at the time. Then in 1975, I dropped it all for forty years! Picked up playing again last Nov.,2012. Went with an "offshore kit" to get started,...didn't like that, so traded up to a DW Performance kit. They are pretty nice.This spring(2013) I found a vintage set of Ludes for 500 bucks so grabbed them. Now we're talkin sound! This kit says it's a mid to late 70's edition. Olive and blue tags. 3 ply,Maple Poplar,Maple and thick plys.(three up,one down) What a sound!...and loud! but they are painted over a wrap, well crap! Painted like the old Gretch kits, kitchen Orange,yikes! So I have a project and one of the reasons I'm here. Thanks for having me aboard!

ps, sure would like to find a Supraphonic L series snare for the above.

Posted on 11 years ago

Hey all! I'm a younger guy who's been drumming most of his life. I recently acquired some of my childhood dream drum sets and found my way here. I'm liking the vibe and all the beautiful drums this place has to offer. I seem to be more of a buy/sell/trade kinda guy but I'll be popping in here and there. As for my vintage kits, I have a '70s Ludwig Standard in Astro (22/16/13) and a '60s Slingerland Blue Agate (20/16/13/12) and a 7-piece Reuther kit that it all started on. For the moment, I only have a 12x6 pork pie wood snare but I'm hoping to collect a few more!

Posted on 10 years ago

Another newbie. I'm getting a little older and trying to keep my brain in shape by learning new things. Instead of playing games on luminosity dot com I decided to pick up a new skill.

Posted on 10 years ago

Howdy! My first go at drumming was about 1990 on a nice set of Ludwigs left ('by a real drummer') at my Vancouver studio for a week. It was fun, so just a little while later I picked up a set of ancient 'purple-black-oyster-pearl' BROADWAY drums. (only affordable set I could find at the time)

I used these for several recordings, though they had a habit of falling apart. Wish I still had em, actually. By late 90s I had got into travelling (East coast, then NY for a couple of years, then Moscow for a dozen years) and the whole time I never managed to get back into a room suitable for real drums. Played plenty of different digital drums, which were more or less OK except the cymbals. Now (two divorces later) I finally have landed back in Canada, and have just barely scraped together enough dosh to build a tiny studio. Shoestring budget, though!!! Have recently acquired some 70s Zildjians, and just today obtained what seems to be a nice-sounding set of Yamaha "Low-end-Luan" made in Indonesia. (maybe 10-15 years old?) They seem like decent quality drums... but it is still gonna be a few months before the room is ready and I can mic 'em up... :-)

Posted on 10 years ago

Hi all,

I am new to the forum but not new to vintage drums or drumming. I have been playing about 25 years (I am 33) and have a sweet 1968 Rogers Holiday set in Jet Black Pearl (12-14-20). I will post a pic shortly...I also have a 1966 Ludwig Club Date 14x20 practice bass drum. It has clean chrome and decent hardware, but was stripped and painted black (by the previous owner). That's why it is my "practice bass." I have since considered hunting down a 12 and 14 to go with it and have a funky mis-matched practice kit. Also, I love love LOVE Istanbul Agop cymbals. Turks and Agop Sigs especially. My current hats are a sweet set of 16" Istanbul Agop Traditional crashes (799 gram Paper Thin on top and an 844 gram Traditional Dark on bottom). Very dark and buttery!

I am influenced by a lot of different music. When I started drumming, it was all John Bonham all the time. Then I started listening to jazz and at 17 discovered Tony Williams. That changed my life forever! Since then, I have listened to and been inspired by all types of drummers; Steve Gadd, Vinnie Colaiuta, Stewart Copeland, Carter Beauford, Bill Stewart, Alan Evans, Stanton Moore, Jack DeJohnette, etc.. But I would have to say that my absolute favorite drummers (that are still working today) are Brian Blade and Billy Martin. I play mostly jazz-funk and study everything that these two guys lay down.

Anywho, happy to be officially on the forum now. Thanks for having me! I hope I can contribute some useful info in the future!

Posted on 10 years ago

Great intro, welcome aboard. !!!

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 10 years ago

Welcome Mojo...sounds like you will have a lot to contribute.

Gary G.
1963 Ludwig Gold Sparkle Hollywood Kit
Ludwig Collection: 10 Vintage Snare Drums, 4 Customized Vintage Snare Drums, 4 Vintage Foot Pedals, 1 Single Value Bugle
Posted on 10 years ago

Welcome aboard Mojo! Look forward to seeing a shot of that Rogers kit.


Too many great drums to list here!
Posted on 10 years ago
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