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Where is introduction part of forum?


hey everyone, newbie here.. i have been on a few other forums so some of you guys might remember my name... glad to be here..

1968 Sparkle Blue Ludwig Hollywood 12,13,16,22 and 14 superphonic snare

Posted on 11 years ago

First time poster, long time lurker. Going to post a kit for sale since nobody seems to want it from Craigslist.

1969 Slingerland Black Diamond pearl 4 pc.
late 70's smoke Vistalite 5 pc. (FOR SALE)
Posted on 11 years ago

Just wanted to post here to mention that I re-registered with a new handle.

I used to be Euthymia, but after I registered here, this handle came to me out of the blue.

I just finished (well, phase one, anyway) fixing up a late '60's Slingerland set in blue agate, and will be posting about that experience.

Wanted to get the change out of the way before that.


Early '70's Slingerland New Rock #50 in blue agate (20-16-13-12)
Late '50's WFL Swingster/Barrett Deems in black/gold Duco
'70's Slingerland Gene Krupa Sound King COB
early '70's Ludwig Acrolite
'80's Ludwig Rocker II 6 1/2" snare
Rogers Supreme Big "R" hi hat

Posted on 11 years ago

Hi all,

Just wanted to make a formal introduction to VDF. My name is Dan, I live in the Tampa Bay, Florida area, and I'm a vintage drums-a-holic. Lame

Although I'm newly registered, like others, I've enjoyed this resource as a "guest". Some of you probably recognize me from DFO and Rogers Owners Forum as I have the same username on all three boards.

I have a very modest collection. Nothing earth-shattering, but they're mine:


- 1968 Slingerland White Marine Pearl 20/13/16 w/ matching 6-lug snare (1966). *This set is currently for sale*

-1967 Slingerland Yellow Tiger Pearl 20/13/16

-1964 Rogers Holiday Wine Red Ripple 20/12/14

-1967 Rogers Holiday Wine Red Ripple 22/13

-1948-50 Slingerland Radio King Marble Lacquer 26/13/14 w/ matching 7x14 snare *This is a new acquisition. I'm excited to begin rehabbing this kit, but I'm going to need some guidance from the Radio King experts here.*


-1960's Slingerland COB Gene Krupa Sound King snare with Zoomatic strainer.

-Early '60's Rogers "Holi-tone" or "Power-day" Wine Red Ripple snare drum. I acquired the drum this way...converted Holiday snare to Powertone specs. Originally drilled for B&B lugs now has Beavertails, Powertone throw off and re-cut edges to resemble Powertone edges. Drum looks and sounds great.

-Early 90's Sonor Hilite HD500 5 3/4x14 Red Maple Lacquer (purchased from Paul Quinn of Teenage Fanclub. It was his recording and gigging snare with TFC)

-1948-1950 Slingerland 7x14 Radio King Marble Lacquer w/ 3 point strainer. (newly acquired, restoration process soon to begin)


- Roland TD-20 Expanded set-up

I've played drums for about 35 years, most actively between 1982 and 1997. I've recently reconnected with colleagues from my glory days and am entertaining offers to get back on the horse. I have a great opportunity to play some fun music with great musicians but I need to regain chops, and strangely enough, confidence. I've got a 21-year old son who also drums and is working on something special with a local band. Besides drumming, my other hobby is genealogy.

As I mentioned, I recently purchased a late 40's Slingerland Radio King 4-piece in Marble Lacquer that is going to need A LOT of TLC. I've already received a wealth of advice from VDF member nopork on these and may need help with parts and further advice as I move forward. No doubt some of you saw these drums on eBay recently. Not sure how I did price wise but I was very surprised there were no other bids, as was the seller.

Sorry this became so lengthy. I hope didn't make anyone's "blacklist" already!

Humbly yours,


aka red66charger


Looking for:
- L.A. Camco 12" Stradivarius Tom Tom
Posted on 11 years ago

Welcome to VDF, Dan. You'll be right at home here. Couple of things...

To get your chops back up quickly, look into this video (Google it,): Tommy Igoe's; 'Great Hands For A Lifetime' video. Best investment you can make to help you get back up to speed in no time. Here is a link to a promo for the video:


I have a Radio King marble lacquer kit just like yours, same colors minus the snare drum. Mine has a 26" single-tension bass drum, yours is dual-tension. I am saving mine for a 'winter restoration project' kit and I hope to get to it shortly. If you need any help along the way getting yours together, there is plenty of assistance to be had here at VDF.

You are among your peers. Best of luck with the restoration project. When you get ready to begin work on them, start a new thread in the Vintage Drum Restoration section. You'll have a bunch of guys looking over your shoulder as you work... me included.

Nice to meet you,


Too many great drums to list here!
Posted on 11 years ago

I am a newbie!

I live in Fayetteville, GA., just souh of Atlanta. I've been drumming for the better part of 40+ and on in bands, mostly just making noise to myself and my family. I just love to play and I'm kind of a gear nerd. Pretty in love with Sonor and Yamaha drums, and I kind of like my Roland TD-9 kit too.

I love smooth jazz and classic rock and RUSH. My drum heroes are Buddy, Steve Smith, Joe Morello, Dennis Chambers, Harvey Mason, Neal name a few. I have acoustic and electric drums. I love to plug in my headphones and wail away on my E-kit!

I'm Joe. Glad to be here and I look forward to getting to know the site better. Have a great weekend!

Posted on 11 years ago

Hello everyone :) I am new to this site but not drumming. I have been playing since I was about 11. I thought I found a good deal at an antique store. I found a 1967 Ludwig Club date for $500.


This is my 70's Sonor Phonic kit that I had Anchor Drums here in NC refinish for me.


Sonor SQ2 10 14 18 American Walnut
L.A. Camco 12 14 18 Moss Green
Gretsch Round Badge 12 14 18 w/snare Champagne
Gretsch Round Badge 12 14 20 w/snare Burgundy

82nd ABN DIV OEF OIF Combat Infantry Veteran
Posted on 11 years ago

Hello all.

I am a newbie here at the vintage drum forum.

I joined because I found a 1910 era snare drum at an antique shop and am looking to restore it. Any information and guidance is appreciated in advance. I will be posting photos and additional information in other parts of the forum.

Thanks Again,


Posted on 11 years ago

Hi, I have been a member for awhile now reading posts and researching my drum sets. I have enjoyed reading many posts and learned stuff along the way. I play 2 kits, a 1979 Tama Superstar (13pc) which I am the only owner of, and a 1978 Ludwig stainless steel kit (5pc) which I am the second owner of. I worked very hard to pay for my drums and take pride with keeping them in great shape. Always loved tympanis since junior high school band, got myself 2 of them about 31 years ago. I play for recreation, only purchasing heads and sticks. I don't buy/sell or tinker with drums, just play'em. Classic/hard rock, and country are my generes. Bonham being a big influence. I haven't been able to drum the last few years for various reasons, so I have been researching both my kits on the internet. I found 1 kit just like my Tama, which was pretty cool, even communicating with the owner. My Ludwig kit I have not been able to find another kit with the same drum size configuration, but I keep looking. Maybe someday I will find one.

So a big smile and wave hello to everyone at VDF :)



Posted on 11 years ago

Hi everybody! I can't find an introduction forum...anyway

I'm from italy, 35, i love drums and music. I played and owned several kit but last month i felt in love with something that i have always thought too old...ludwig '60 kit

So i'm trying to learn more...

Posted on 11 years ago
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