hey Glen;
Looking really good, especially after the oil.
Calfskin heads will help for sure. That makes sense if you are going for that war time vibe. As far as scabbing a piece on the sides for strength, great idea! Hadn't crossed my mind as I am stuck in one piece lug mode. It will look really sharp if done in a contrasting wood like walnut or cherry. Try to make the inlays, (much nicer word than "scabs"), as deep as you can without interfering with the insert. The trick to glue strength is to have a tight fitting joint before you add the glue and maximize the surface area for the glue as much as you can.
As far as home brew wooden hoops, easy. There is some japanese jazz guy on youtube with some great videos on him making wooden hoops. (smileyjazzcat, maybe, smileythejazzcat, something like that.)
As far as wooden hardware goes, check out this pic of an old peavey kit. Pretty cool. It would have to fit PERFECT like your oldest shoes to be strong, but it can be done.
I have been building custom cabinetry and furniture for over 20 years. If I can be of any more help to you feel free to pm me and we can talk it over.
Please keep us updated, sounds like it is gonna be a killer project.