If you don't get into too much of a hurry you can do much better. A couple Saturday's ago, I picked up an 80's (?) Acrolite in a rolling Ludwig student bag / case complete with the stand, two or three sets of sticks, a couple of student books (donated those) one of those rubber practice pad things that sets on the head, and a key.
$25.00 yard sale find. And that is not that uncommon. I find a couple of those a year or more on C/L or yard sales. Granted that one was cheap, but still... Double the $45.00 and you can get an Acrolite or old Slingy snare on eBay even...
My thoughts are, spend $45.00 for a piece of junk that I would have to work on after a couple months (c'mon, you KNOW it won't last) or spend double that on something I might have to clean up once, maybe do some simple repairs... and have until my kids have to deal with it...
Just my :2Cents:
Off my soapbox now...
Oh, yeah... You can get a sixties MIJ snare, with a coolness factor that the Chinese one can't match, for even less...
Now I'm REALLY off my soapbox... :)