Hello Jimmy and Thanks
What happens most times is someone will come along
who just needs the floor tom or the snare but most often it is the floor tom
That will sell right away, and the other drums will sit around some, until they eventually get sold off.
I have so many bass /mounted tom partials
(some with snares, but most just the two by themselves)
that I devoted a whole shelf in my display for them
I realized that for simple display purposes these bass /mounted tom partials,
when lined up one after another with the mounted drums set to basically the same angle and height
that they look pretty nice and can be positioned tight together
since there is not the need to find space for the missing floor tom on the shelf.
This way I can enjoy displaying them varying the colors as best I can rather being frustrated trying to complete them all
and then periodically the missing floor tom for one of them, will sometimes show up from somewhere.
As was the case with the blue sparkle Norma partial (pictured)
The floor tom I eventually found for it was not Norma badged
but otherwise is the same Star made blue sparkle drum with the identical hardware as these others