I may be mistaken, but I feel like this is some kind of Frankenstein of a drum. Judging by the relatively low serial number and of course the Holiday badge, shouldn’t the lugs be Bread and Butter?
The bearing edges feel rounded, not like the sharper angled ones of the other Rogers drums I’ve owned, but it looks like it’s 5 ply, not 3 ply. I was under the impression that the switch to the 5 ply shells were also when they went with the more modern, sharper edged shells (though again, this may not be accurate.)
Also, didn’t this painted version of the clock face throw off come after Holiday snare drums were replaced with Powertones? I realize swapping out the clock face wouldn’t be all that difficult, but it still just adds to my confusion.
Finally, I’m pretty sure it’s been re-wrapped, since it’s smooth and not the “orange peel” texture, but whoever did it did an excellent job, as I can’t find any extra holes anywhere in the shell. As you can see in the picture, when they re-applied the Rogers script bade, they didn’t even pierce the tag on the inside. Possible that they removed the tag first, then stuck it back on after everything was in place?
Is there anything else I should be looking out for to help me identify what it *actually* is? It sounds great and I love playing it, curiosity has just finally got the better of me!