Here's the latest on this project.
All the smaller hardware is clean. All that remains are the hoops, high tom mount, spurs and floor tom legs. Unfortunately a few tom lugs were damaged by the vinegar (works wonders on chrome, but it ate away at some of the threads in the casings), so I'll have to replace those. A few of the bass drum lugs are in rough shape aesthetically, but are functionally sound. Those will be mounted on the bottom, so no big deal.
I've been itching to hear how these drums will sound, so I borrowed some tension rods from the snare and a 13" hoop and Evans G2 (batter) & G1 (reso) heads from my Rogers set and assembled the 13" tom. The tone of this drum far exceeded my expectations! I swapped it with my 12" tom on the Rogers set and sonically, it fit in very nicely; it doesn't have quite the projection or volume as the Rogers shells, but it has pretty good punch, nice warm tone, and remarkably even sustain/decay. I think some single-ply coated G1's or Ambassadors will sound great on these, and liven them up a bit. I've also been thinking of trying Evans UV1's on the Rogers, so if they live up to the hype I might consider them for this kit.
Lastly, I bought a gold sparkle 6-lug Slingerland stencil snare on ebay that had the strainer and butt I needed (and snares, although it came with a 12 strand so I may upgrade to a 20-strand down the road). I can also use the hoops for the 14" floor tom. It has no badge, but was described as a Mica brand. The hardware needs a good cleaning, but the shell (no re-rings) and wrap are in fantastic shape. It actually pains me to rob parts from it, but I may use it for a future project.
What I find annoying is that now that I have seen the wrap on this snare in person, no matter what I do I can't seem to get the blue wrap to shine and sparkle like the gold does. Maybe it's just the nature of the color, but even in the light I can see a subtle film on the blue wrap that I think was left on it from either the the lighter fluid I used to take the glue off, or from the glue itself. I've used Novus #1 and #2 to polish the snare and the high tom so far, and I'm not seeing a drastic difference in shine between those and the bass and floor tom. I'm going to try a coat or two of carnauba wax and see if that helps.
Very happy with the way this is coming along overall...still in need of parts though!
Photo #1: bass drum hardware (sans spurs and tom mount)
Photo #2: temporarily assembled 13" tom
Photo #3: "new" Mica snare