From tillerva

You are correct on the snare set up. It sounds really good actually, I was pretty impressed. A nice woody tone. The bass has a clear pinstripe on the batter with a felt strip and the original super thin resonant. The resonant needs felt too, but I didn't happen to have any around. The tom has an Attack single ply and some single ply on the resonant. I had to just use whatever heads I had to fit his budget (all like new/new except the snare batter, which is in great shape for being probably 50 years old!), but everything sounds really good together.

Nice looking kit, as well!

I have found that spray painting those old thin heads, the bass res, adds enough weight to settle them down. I use creme colored Rustoleum and spray around the head in opposing directions to get a good even coat. Trust me on this, only spray as much as needed to get a good, even coat and it will actually take on the "feel" of a calf head. I have had success with every one of those old heads and they turn out sounding very nice.

As for a way to get the heads I need for my student sets, I post on my local C/L and Freecycle for used heads and every time I post I end with very usable heads, some almost new, some never used take-offs for res heads, those el-cheapo clears that come on budget sets.