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I need info on this Ludwig Stand please.


From idrum4fun

Hey Josh,While it looks similar to a modern Atlas stand, I think JB's stand was one of those that came with lower-line kits and not available separately. I could be wrong, but I've these before with pre-packaged kits.-Mark

Dang! I gotta stick to asking questions instead o’ answering ‘em. I’ll leave that to the experts!


Posted on 6 years ago

Don't take that stance Josh, you keep helping all of us in any way you can, and I/we appreciate you helping!


Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

From Digiplay

I just heard back from Ludwig, and here's the reply:They were in production from early 1990’s to around 2004 or 5. They were light weight and pretty durable, which is why when they introduced the Atlas line of stands that they added the flat base stands to it. Though the new stands are heavier than the older versions.Thanks everyone!!!J.B.

They were still available new well after 2004. As I said they were in the catalog right up until the Atlas line came out. I was still buying new ones occasionally right up until that time and there were a ton of them clearance priced by various suppliers when they were discontinued. The actual stand appears to be very similar to one made by Worldmax and the flat based stand from Canopus (that I think is still available) appears to be based on the same design.

Posted on 6 years ago

Hi K.O. :)

The point is that the one I have is not an Atlas Stand, it is a Ludwig Stand that preceded the line being called Atlas.

As per Ludwig:

LT126CS was the full part number and it was a cymbal stand, lightweight flat base.

When Ludwig decided to update the line of hardware around 2005, they decided to name the new line Atlas. The new line of Ludwig hardware is the Atlas line.

It comes in 3 versions:

Ludwig Atlas classic

Ludwig Atlas standard

Ludwig Atlas pro

Now we are about to get really deep.

See, there is in the history of Ludwig a couple of different line names for stands.

For example: Hi-Hat stands

From 1959 to 1963 the Ludwig Hi-Hat was called the Miracle Hi-Hat

In 1968-1974 it was the Ludwig Rocker

1966-1978 it was Ludwig Atlas

1978-1984 it was Ludwig Hercules, then there was the Atlas II, Rocker II, Modular….

In the cymbal lines it is similar but different.

From 1949-1955 there is the 993 series

1966-1982 it was the 1400 series

By mid-1990’s all Ludwig cymbal stands were being made offshore and were assigned 3 digit numbers, the 600 series were the lightest, then the 700 and 800 series and topping off the list were the 900 series being the heaviest.

Now, in an effort to make it as easy as possible, all Ludwig hardware is currently called Atlas, and the Atlas line comes in three styles/divisions: Classic, Standard and Pro.

So your stand was not an Atlas stand, but it was a Ludwig stand in the 600 series.

I hope this clears things up K.O. :)



Posted on 6 years ago

From K.O.

[php][/php]That's the Ludwig LT126 flat based cymbal stand which was discontinued when the Atlas line was introduced. I have a dozen or so of them as they are a personal favorite. They are light but sturdy and best of all they use a 6mm post which fits vintage cymbals with a smaller center hole. Not for outdoor use on a windy day but otherwise they work fine and really lighten the load.


Did you read K.O.'s first response?

Posted on 6 years ago

Hi slingerfan!

1) I did, but I originally asked when they were made, not how long one could buy them new even though they had been discontinued :)

So, according to Ludwig, the LT126 was discontinued in 2004/2005

2) K.O. said they were available from roughly 2005 to 2015 (when the Atlas Classic Line came out around 2015).


1) Ludwig is correct when they state the LT126 was in production from the early 90's until 2004/2005.

2) K.O. is correct in that the LT126 could still be purchased new from 2005 to 2015 (if one could find them), even though they were no longer being made by Ludwig :)

I will carry that even further by saying I'm sure that if one looked long and hard enough, a new, albeit discontinued LT126 could be purchased in 2018 as well :)



Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1525 Threads: 127

I too remember when they were selling those off when the current Atlas line came out. I think I saw them for around $25. Should have grabbed 3 of them. I am currently using 3 1400 stands with all my gigging set's. I have a small rolling H&B fiber trap case I haul around with all my sets I keep Ludwig vintage light weight hardware in. I just change out tom mounts and floor tom legs.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

I've got one as well, but mine has seen better days. I bought it used off some guy who assured me they were like new. Not so. The titler post would/still unscrews when i tighten the wing nut after the cymbal is place, even after tightening it back up several times. The base t-wing nut lost it's hex bolt washer which came right off after several gigs, rendering it still usable, although not as securely fastened it should be. DOH. I now use it once a month on my vintage Stewart pub kit and keep it there with several other vintage type flat based stands, including an old 60's Premier that has held up nicely and still completely functional, right down to the original, flimsy looking L-shaped wing nuts. I'm telling you, that thing will be here long after i'm gone. Premier made some good quality stands back then.. Some up here are saying that the new ATLAS flat base stands are heavier than the 90's model, and although that may be so, it's not by much, maybe a few grams, or close to a pound. I picked one up at amy drum shop and found them to be very light. But the lightest and very durable retro flat based stands out there are DW's 6000 Ultra light stands, not to be confused with the first generation retro stands, which are a lot heavier.



Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

Well I can't speak to Ludwig's response (although when you ask them things involving a historical context they are typically wrong more often than they are right, as in the second sentence in your quote from them when they say the new Atlas line came out 7 years earlier than it did). However if they ceased importing these (as they were never actually made in the USA by Ludwig) in 2004 they must have had quite a backlog sitting in the warehouse as they were available new and depleted stocks could be replenished (I assume from Ludwig) right up until just before the new Atlas line was introduced (which was in 2012, not 2005). I was not even aware of this stand existing until approximately 2005. Once I gave one a try I decided to get more. The store I was buying them from (The Drum Pad) was out of stock but ordered more in. I also ordered them from Cascio Interstate and Musician's Friend thru the years as my accumulation expanded. They were still in the 2009 Ludwig Centennial catalog, and remained in the Ludwig catalog for at least another three years (as pictured below). Again, I don't know when they were first introduced, Ludwig catalogs were pretty sparse affairs in the 90's so it's tough to know, or at least document that.

Ludwig introduces the NEW Atlas stands at the 2012 NAMM show...

[ame=""]Ludwig Atlas Series Hardware At 2012 NAMM - YouTube[/ame]

All my stands are the LT126CS (as the model number was on all the boxes they came in) and you could buy one most anywhere that sold Ludwig drums up until about 6 years ago when the remaining stock was blown out and prior to that if they didn't have them in stock they could still order them from Ludwig. Now perhaps they did stop importing them in 2004 but then it strikes me as strange that Ludwig (and various dealers like Cascio and MF) would continue to include a product with finite stocks remaining in their new print catalogs.

They are all identical to each other and were mass produced in China or Taiwan so I'm not sure why it actually matters whether a stand was made in 1995 or 2012 as you couldn't tell them apart once they were intermingled.

Anyhow...I wish I could find a couple more new in the box, although we've probably crossed over to the point that now they would sell for more than the original price in such a state.

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Posted on 6 years ago
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