Quiet that squeak for many gigs > go purchase a bottle STP oil additive. and with a toothpick etc but a dot or two at the link connections = squeak gone and for a long time...this works good on the rear footboard hinge pins too ;)
How Do You Restore A Speed King
Sorry if this was covered in the thread but how does one loosen up the adjustment screws on the bottom again?
Got me a SK recently but never got very far.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry if this was covered in the thread but how does one loosen up the adjustment screws on the bottom again?Got me a SK recently but never got very far.Thanks in advance!
Simple, turn the pedal over an at the bottom of each spring tower you'll see slotted screws...any decent flat headed screwdriver will do the trick.
Just make sure both tension screws are adjusted the same.
They be totally jammed stuck, tried that screw driver trick already :)
I just refurbished an old speed king and what i did was removed the foot board and the bottom screws. took out the springs and rods. i chose to drill small holes in my end caps so i could lubricate regularly and it also made them easy to remove. i then mixed a pot of simple green 50/50 with water and brought it to a slow boil and dropped the pedal in. 10 minutes later it was squeeky clean. best part was the heat also made the bearings drop right out so i could re lube them as well. i used motorcycle chain oil on mine and it works great.
I couldn't budge the screws, I'll try harder. I just want to adjust the tension on mine but thought there was a trick to getting the screws to work smooth.
use a burnz o matic torch and throw a little heat on them. it wont take much to get them moving. also try tapping around them with the butt of the screwdriver to free up the threads, sometimes the aluminum will oxidize.
PB blaster or wd40 for stuck screws + patience. :) might take applying it once or twice a day for a few days

1970/71? Ludwig Downbeat in Blue Oyster Pearl
there is a little burr as a stop on most of the bottoms of the tube the adjustment screw are located in, look for it, the screws will go past with a little force and a heavy slotted screwdriver
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp
once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
I know I'm coming in several years too late with this, but I wasn't on here then. Anyway, I posted this on the DFO a little while ago - the pin joining the pedal to the rocker assembly on my Speed King is digging it's way to freedom. Best course of action? I'm thinking to replace the whole rocker assembly. Welding is a possible solution but I don't have the tools or the skills to do it, particularly such a delicate weld. Any thoughts lads?
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