This is a real tough one for us to determine. It may be a Hoshino, which was the odd guy out, so to speak. It was a 3rd major Japanese drum manufacturer back in the day, different than the company that became Tama, despite the same Hoshino word in their names. They were like the Chrysler to the Ford & GM. Some of Hoshino's drums were of really good solid quality, some of it quite poor. Odds are, that is what you have here, because when we see parts that eliminate it from being Star or Pearl, and yet nothing jumps out that is exclusive to Star or Pearl - most the time it is therefore conclusive that it was made by Hoshino. The only exception would be Yamaha, but Yamaha did not start making drums until 1967 or 68, and I am not sure that anyone has noticed anything particularly Yamaha on this kit.

It would be good to keep this thread going/towards the top of the list at least until the Yamaha experts can chime in.

I believe we are all in agreement that they are very cool! Also, we see significant rust on that snare. That needs to be addressed. If it is not done soon, it will only get worse and any worse will be quite regrettable. There is already enough damage that there will be permanent pitting. If it is not cleaned/polished, it will get worse to the point that it will be quite detrimental to the value and/or at least be a significant buzzkill when viewing it.

NOTE: Do NOT use steel wool. If you need advice as to how to clean/polish, indeed read up on this most excellent site or indeed ask us and we can advise.