Ill take Steven Adler's (coked out and on heroine) playing on Appetite For Destruction over anything Bonham Jr has done in the drumming world.

Again...not worth arguing about...just my point of view. I agree that Jason building a career out of copying his dad is not cool, and now (possibly) a grandson doing the same (copying the copy of a grandfather) is NOT where it is at.

Again, I am sure Jason is a great dude, and this is no attack on his character OR parenting skills....but as an outsider looking in (with an OPINION that means absolutely nothing..and I mean NOTHING) your own thing dude! It would be a WAY cooler tribute to a legendary family member to be a respected drummer with individual style than an imitator trying to live up to a true artist's persona. The whole "dubbed tape" philosophy will no doubt end up being a waste of what could be a great drumming legacy.

No need to argue. Just my two cents. Im with MC and L-D on this one.