From JazzDrummer

It looks like a "project" snare drum to me. From the badge with serial number it is early to mid 1970s, the rims are the old "beer barrel" type until 1967.

I'm sorry but you are absolutely wrong. It's a 2007 snare drum

The beer barrels have been used in the early 80's. It was also used on the 2005 (14x8 birch shell) until the stress-ring hoops came out in 1987.

I have several pictures in catalogs to confrim that.

If you look closely on the picture of the catalog you see it has the beer barrel hoops. The catalog is from around 1980-81.

On the butt-end of the snare strainer you see 3 holes drilled through on either side. This was to tighten the snare wires separately rather than tighten all those three at once.

One major problem is to find new butt ends for this drum because of the three separate adjusting screws.