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Blue Ripple Dyna on eBay


I was almost starting to regret making the opening post and opening this rewrap "can of worms" until Ploughman chimed in with his expertise. Always value his opinion and I especially appreciate it when he answers with more than just his usual succinct, one-line comment. Thanks Ploughman!

Lots of good points made by everyone, and even the seller's statement (although a bit acerbic and condescending) pointed out that there was nothing misleading or dishonest going on with the sale of this drum, so there's really no point in trying to make this whole issue contentious or debating what makes a drum "original". I did take slight offense though to the seller’s statement, “that it is human nature to want something you can't afford or are just too cheap to pay for .... so they justify their inadequacies by creating the scenarios that denagrade the values of the item.” I am completely unashamed to admit that I can easily afford to pay $3000 for a wood Dyna, but it would have to be in excellent, original condition, and it would have to be WMP like B.R.’s or Tommy’s! That Blue Ripple Dyna might be worth the asking price to someone out there, just not to me. To the seller, good luck with the sale and I hope you find the customer for this drum.

One last little snide comment… The seller is unquestionably knowledgeable about Dyna’s. I wonder if he took the time to file and taper the edge of the wrap like on a factory-installed wrap? On some Dyna’s, this filing was a little sloppy actually, but hey, why would anyone at the time really care. It was never going to be seen…

[Attachment: 117510]


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-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

I'd never pay that price for a resto.

If it was all original and in perfect condition, then sky's the limit...but not this.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

The bottom line on all of these rare drums is that the price is what someone out there is willing to pay. You never know what kind of nostalgic feelings something like this might bring out in someone....the right someone. A resto just doesn't quite fit the bill for that....but that's me.

I've got drums and kits that are now untouchably rare.... What I would sell them for would be insulting to even mention. That's because I became the foster father of them so they didn't end up in the orphanage and now I can't see them as just any old drums. If I ever were to sell them, then the money would have to be sufficient enough to numb the loss for a good long time. :)

A million dollars is nothing to a trillionaire and that's the kind of buyer I would pander to, if I was selling...and this seller is looking for the same kind of buyer, too. Good luck!

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 6 years ago

From The Ploughman

I do. 20-13-16 Early First Gen Beavertails with a matching BB Powertone. All 1963 numbers. But, the Dyna-Sonic has condition issues with the refinish in the interior. Seriously, it does not matter how nice one makes a rewrap appear... it isn't original. Even in this color.

I'd love to see a photo of this kit Ploughman! I dig those sizes too.

As to the Dyna, I'd still buy it if I had the matching set. My guess is that it sounds real close to the day it came out of the factory. I don't care as much as some might on the originality because of the rare color, but I certainly see your point that it is not an original drum. Of that there can be no question. But I'd be pretty happy with an entire set wrapped in that new ripple finish and probably pay well for it as long as the resto work was done as close as possible to the factory work. I would not make such a big deal trying to defend it in a sale advert though. I'd just say, "Nice drum, new professionally installed wrap" or similar and leave it at that. Buyer decides if he wants it or not.

Someone did question how the wrap could have been bad enough to need replacement. Well.... see the attached. I've had wrap so bad I could pull it off with my fingers. When it gets to that point, I do the wrap over again. What else can you do? The rest of that drum looks to me to be 100% original, as does the rest of the kit except one set of bass rods and claws was lost, probably due to using the bass without the front head. So the set is worth dealing with. The other two have big cracks.

One thing about the wrap is that it is failing internally at this juncture. The polymer is breaking down. It is not necessarily from misuse, though misuse and extremes of temperature did affect these wraps. But some of them also failed due to poor installation, or in this case could have been impacted by the stain applied to the shell to get the brown highlights to show through the translucent areas.

The good news is, the translucent wrap is available again, so this kit with get another shot and looking decent.

Posted on 6 years ago

1963 Sky Blue Ripple.

I actually love the sizes.

1963 BB Powertone.... new Rogers issue lugs.

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Rogers Drums Big R era 1975-1984 Dating Guide.
Posted on 6 years ago

Nice looking kit Ploughman. It looks fab no matter what resto has been done to snare. In my opinion you have turned it out to look class. One little point that McHair 303 made. When rogers installed the wrap from factory the edge looks absolutely bad. Ive re wrapped many drums. Ive never seen an edge like the pic he shown. If the so many 1000 bucks gets you a drum like that then I'm shocked. Ive seen and do feather the edge but a lot better than the pic shown. Honestly that looks like it came from a butchers shop.

Posted on 6 years ago
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