I can't resist. I did as Led had suggested and listened to some Bonham recordings. It is my belief that ...... 1.) Those couldn't have been the Vistalites that were recorded. He had to have used another wood set for the recordings. I could be wrong. (I know we aren't talking about a Vistalite reissue kit here. It's just an observation on the recordings) 2.) Is it me, or does anyone else hear effects on the drums ........... especially the bass drum. Kind of like a little reverb/echo and possibly a very slight flanger type effect. If that is the case, then a good sound guy could get you very close to Bonham's sound. I say, whatever kit you choose, it's yours!! Enjoy the set and playing around with it as far as heads and tunings and whatever else you can do to change sounds. I know I do. I prefer the "BOOM" type sound, but again it does have a lot to do with the type of music you play and personal preference. I love the vintage drums just because it gives you a feeling of time travel in a sense. I mean you can sit behind an old set and think..... how'd they ever play with hardware and mounts like this??? ... as it may not be as adjustable as todays mounts are. It's great!!!! It also gives me some ideas on how to come up with a setup all my own. With toms in different places and such. My main kit now has a 22"x20" bass drum. (head size first) Cannon? Absolutely!! I must say, I enjoy reading these posts and the advice people give. I also must say thanks to all of you for the great info in the past and the great info I'm getting today and tomorrow!! Nice choice on the set by the way Led!!