For all you guys trying to sell drums.... learn to compromise with a potenial buyer.
For example, I had my Ludwig kit up for months trying to get a certain amount, I realized maybe I was a bit too high so I lowered the price a bit and compromised with the buyer, I got what I needed and took that money and went to a local drum shop and compromised with the owner and wound up getting two kits. Sure, I could have held out for a few dollars more, which may have taken another few months, by that time the drums at the drum shop would most likely had been sold and I would had lost out on a great deal.
Most people know that the economy is in the Toilet and you cannot expect to get what you could get in a thriving economy.
Don't get get all bent out of shape if someone offers you a little less than you want, it's all a matter of economics. Someday,(probably after the 2012 election), the economy will pick up and you will be able to get exactly what you want.Cool1