I went and looked at the blue pearl set. It's a cool beater at a great price, seller is a very nice guy, but I will probably pass on it. It was missing the tone controls, a rod and claw for bass drum, was pretty rough cosmetically (wrap was pretty shot and taped up) but edges were good, no tom arm. Ultimately it comes down to me selling my MIJ to make room for it and the MIJ is perfectly fine, I just wanted a better built kit. To resell it would be hard and take a lot of time if something more desirable came along, plus the issue of the heads. I'll wait it out for another set.
I saw that set on NYC CL. Lousy photo. You couldn't see what the drums looked like. I stay away from anything with bad photos, because it seems like the sellers are hiding something. I do like the Premier blue pearl finish though.