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1978 Pearl Wood Fiberglass


This is just a Bump -up to promote my "for sale" thread...

This set is NOT for sale, but I can put you "behind-the-wheels" of one like it...



Cherryvale, Ks
"Redrums - Ks" on FB and Reverb
(also "billnvick" on eBay)
Posted on 12 years ago

...shameless self prom....wait a are offering one heck of a deal here! If I were in the market to buy a player, this would be the one, baby!

In the words of our rather unassuming friend, Larry the Cable Guy....gitterdun!

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 12 years ago

From billnvick

IF I were you... I'd probably get the FG ones that match, as long as I could get them reasonably priced. Then play them until the real deal comes along. In fact, that's what I've done with the BD and 10x14 tom, as discussed above. I think that probably with the right combination of heads the sound can be brought within tolerance.I will keep my eyes open for red w/fg. That's easy 'cause just like I told another member today, I'm always interested -- which means I'm always looking.Hey, keep us posted, OK? Then if you do get them, how about pictures with it all put together... that would be a monster, wouldn't it?Bill


-Can't belive this. The red kit is in fact a W/Fg kit. The seller wrote fiberglass as he had no idea that there were two different kinds of shells from Pearl.

He accepted my offer of 225$ (he was asking 435$) and I will pick up these later this week. This means I will have a real knock out kit ones I've cleaned everthing up Clapping Happy2.

12,13,13,14,16,18,22,24". Hmm....this means I will have to learn to play with two bass drums Mind Blowi. Lets hope Im not too old learn ;)

/Johan M

70's Slingerland, 13,14,18,24" Copper wrap
70's Pearl Wood/fiberglass 12,13,13,14,16,18,22,24" Red
70's Pearl Fiberglass shells 12,13,16, 22" White
70's Hayman, 13,14,16,22" Black
60's Hoshino, 13,16,20" WMP
2009 Ludwig element, 10,12,13,16,22" Orange
Posted on 12 years ago


Make sure you post pictures when you get them!


Cherryvale, Ks
"Redrums - Ks" on FB and Reverb
(also "billnvick" on eBay)
Posted on 12 years ago

Finally picked up my new drums yesterday :)

-A few scratches here and there, nothing bad. Absolutely no rust and no pitting. After nearly 40 years, they are in good shape. I also got a Paiste alpha 20" Power ride, Headliner 7 hi-hats, a broken Paiste 2002 top hi-hat and two crappy cymbals (propably from "ToysRUs"). The snaredrum is nothing to write home about, very poor MIT. -All in all a fair deal for 225$.

Attached pictures are: My new drums, My old kit (bought last summer) and finally, a picture of what I hope they will become (picture from Pearls 1973 catalog. I had a hard time convincing my wife that I wasn't buying yet another kit (I had promised), I just updated one of the old ones.....:rolleyes:

/Johan M

3 attachments
70's Slingerland, 13,14,18,24" Copper wrap
70's Pearl Wood/fiberglass 12,13,13,14,16,18,22,24" Red
70's Pearl Fiberglass shells 12,13,16, 22" White
70's Hayman, 13,14,16,22" Black
60's Hoshino, 13,16,20" WMP
2009 Ludwig element, 10,12,13,16,22" Orange
Posted on 12 years ago

Wow, looks good, and you sure got a good deal!

Now we just need to see it all set up!!


Cherryvale, Ks
"Redrums - Ks" on FB and Reverb
(also "billnvick" on eBay)
Posted on 12 years ago


-Patience, patience.....

I have far too much to do at work right now. Starting with a two week worktrip to China this saturday. Cleaning and fixing these drums will be my weekend project during this spring. Hopefully I will have the drums ready in a couple of months. I guess you will have to wait a while for pictures. However, as sone as I'm done, I will of course post a couple on this site :)

/Johan M

70's Slingerland, 13,14,18,24" Copper wrap
70's Pearl Wood/fiberglass 12,13,13,14,16,18,22,24" Red
70's Pearl Fiberglass shells 12,13,16, 22" White
70's Hayman, 13,14,16,22" Black
60's Hoshino, 13,16,20" WMP
2009 Ludwig element, 10,12,13,16,22" Orange
Posted on 12 years ago


I wanna see 'em NOW! CryBaby

Posted on 12 years ago

Hi, I'm new to the forum,

I have a Pearl wood/fiberglass kit. Early 70s, probably 72-75 due to the tom mounts. I purchased them from the original owner a year and half ago.

Put new heads on everything, double pedal, a few new stands and cymbals. They are great. I would have killed for this set in my younger years. I think they are terribly underrated. I picked up the whole kit which included the original pedal, high-hat stand and the two original cymbal stands, vintage ludwig flat base cymbal stands. Plus vintage (from the 70s) Zildjian cymbals, 22" ride, 18" crash/ride, 17" crash, 14" crash, 14" Paiste sound edge high-hats. Plus the drums $600. Just so you don't report me for drum abuse, the sun is usually not shining on them. They are still bright white and not yellowing, and I plan to keep them that way.

Set consists of:

22 bass, 13,14 rack toms, 16,18 floor toms, (all wood/fiberglass)

6,8 concert toms (all fiberglass)

5.5 x14 metal snare

I've had a blast with them. Did some "minor" recording with a friend and they sounded awesome. I'm telling you, those floor toms BOOM! If you ever have the chance to pick up one of these 18" floor toms, snatch it up! The bass drum really booms, too. I'm using Aquarian Superkick I batter and Aquarian Regulator res. No other dampening. My friend says he feels it in his chest... no amplification. I see paper fly off my desk across the room sometimes when I hit it. :)

Can you tell I like them?! I'm having a blast! If anyone knows where I can get a w/fg 12" rack tom to match I'd love to find one.

Posted on 12 years ago

Another question for all of you...

Has anyone worked on trying to set-up any kind of rim mount or lug mount system with these drums?


Posted on 12 years ago
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