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1967/68 Fibes COF Buddy Rich


From mchair303

Tommy,Thanks for replying (and conversing) about the nature of these Fibes shells. Like a lot of drummers unfamiliar with fiberglass shells, I had always assumed (incorrectly) that the hardness and non-absorption properties of fiberglass resulted in a lot of internal "amplification" like metal shells (ringy and cold), but from what you describe, they are neither "metal-like" nor "wood-like" but rather, they are their own distinct thing. And I understand the whole overhead miking situation now. Playing in a 30-piece military band, I rarely play mike'd, because as you explained, either everyone's mike'd or everyone's acoustic. You can't have some instruments coming through the speakers and some not.And yes, I'd love a chance to sit behind those beauties. When it's a convenient time for you, and you have them set up at home again, I'll have to sneak away from work and check them out. Mike


Always a pleasure chatting with you Mike! .. and .. YES!, that invite/offer is always open! I'm actually clear for the next two weeks, well... I have a couple trio gigs, but will play the Rogers jazz/bop set for those! .. so .. I'll get the Fibes back up in the drum room and you'll have to definitely sneak away from work and come on over! Perhaps even a couple of tasty IPA's too!


Posted on 8 years ago

Just WOW! I knew it was only a matter of time before they made an appearance. Now you just have to decide which kit to take to which gig!

Posted on 8 years ago

From Powertone

Just WOW! I knew it was only a matter of time before they made an appearance. Now you just have to decide which kit to take to which gig!


THANKS, and glad you liked! Ya, I figured I HAD to play 'em in a LIVE situation for a true barometer of how they play/sound in the context of a LIVE band/show. I have to tell you that I was just blown away... truly. Completely different than my '65 Rogers BR Celebrity's in their actual "feel" and sound ... yet just as comfortable! I want to add that the fiberglass shells are very FOCUSED with regard to timbre/projection, yet contingent on how one sets them up with regard to heads/tuning, quite complimentary to the style of music being performed. My only "complaint" .. ( complaint in quotes as it's not really a complaint ) .. is this particular era build and real chromed steel wrap makes the drums pretty heavy! They are a lot heavier than my '65 Rogers wood shells, that I will say! Otherwise, just a pleasure to play!, and even had a few guys come up after the performance to chat about the drums! Quite pleased across the board!


Posted on 8 years ago
Posts: 5356 Threads: 87

Nice Tommy! Are these the ones you restored recently we talked about? They look beautiful under the lights on stage. Hope you had a great gig too!


Not a guru just havin fun with some old dusty drums.
Posted on 8 years ago

From FFR428

Nice Tommy! Are these the ones you restored recently we talked about? They look beautiful under the lights on stage. Hope you had a great gig too!


THANKS!, and they are indeed! I have to agree, Infinity/Norfolk was the PERFECT venue to play these LIVE in the "gig zone", and both from an aural standpoint as well as the aesthetics! As soon as sound check was completed and everybody left the stage, I was able to grab some shots. With the lighting that was on at the time, yeah ... the chrome on these just jumped! The gig was excellent actually! John was in fine form and the sound was just perfect. That is such a GREAT theater to play! Here's one from the front and a side view I don't think I put up. Hope you ENJOY!


2 attachments
Posted on 8 years ago

That is a beautiful set Tommy. Having used 20 bass drums almost exclusively for quite some time, it makes that 24 look enormous. That baby must have some serious bottom to it. I may have missed it above in the thread, but is one of the floor toms 14" diameter?


Yes indeed ... the 1st floor tom is a RARE 14X16 .. but .. I have BOTH 16X16's too! The 2nd 16X16 is currently on the table and I'm about 1/2 way through it's restoration. The 2nd 16X16 was in the roughest shape out of all of them with regard to dents/scratches and a lifting seam. The 14X16 was easily the nicest out of all of them!, so ... I put that one in the tone row first, and it was an excellent decision. That particular size sounds incredible. The "tone" and tuning range of a 14", but with added depth of a 16". More companies should have built/offered that size. I think the only two I have seen are Rogers and Fibes. There may be more of course. Seems like a size Gretsch might have offered? Anyway, the sizes on the entire set are:








If one set up the whole thing, it would be pretty impressive. I believe a couple of those drums were add ons at a later date, but within the same era/year. Agreed on how big the 24" looks to you! It is indeed what one gets used to. I say that because I have been playing a 24" bass drum for 10 years or so .. ( and a little 14X18 with my Rogers Bop set ) .. so now, the 14X24 is the NORM for my eye, and doesn't look large! THANKS as always for your comments Dan!


Posted on 8 years ago


Sorry! Somehow my reply ended up in the edit/message box, so it's contained within YOUR original post!


Posted on 8 years ago

Absolutely beautiful kit TommyP. Love seeing that chrome wrap in such great shape! I KNOW they sound fantastic.

Cheers, Kyle

Posted on 8 years ago

From GoodFibes

Absolutely beautiful kit TommyP. Love seeing that chrome wrap in such great shape! I KNOW they sound fantastic. Cheers, Kyle


THANKS! ... glad you liked! I am jammed full this month with Sinatra Shows, so ... I'll be bringing out the Fibes COF set for at least three of them! I'll play these at the larger venues and one outdoor show in NY on the 19th. I am really liking these drums. Between this set and my 1965 Rogers BR Celebrity's well ... how can one NOT have an excellent performance! THANKS Kyle!


Posted on 8 years ago


Are you packing BR kits from either Ludwig or Slingerland, as well as the Rogers and now the Fibes?

Posted on 8 years ago
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