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That modern kit must have


From human71

I think that people who buy really expensive drums to use once in a blue moon or as a mid life crisis display in their basement living room or den, are fooling themselves.

But once they're done fooling themselves (or want their living room back) they end up getting sold used Excited

1964 Ludwig Champagne Super Classic
1970 Ludwig Blue Oyster Super Classic
1977 Rogers Big R Londoner 5 ebony
1972/1978 Rogers Powertone/Big R mix ebony
60's Ludwig Supersensitive
Pearl B4514 COB snare ( the SC snare)
Pearl Firecracker
PJL WMP maple snare
Odds & Sods

Sabians, Paistes, Zildjians, Zyns, UFIPs, MIJs etc
Item may be subject to change!
Posted on 6 years ago

From Brewkowski

Spot on! I know a guy that does just that.. he'll buy a $7,000 exotic DW kit with all DW high end hardware and take it to gigs at the local bars.. He sat down and played my Gretsch Renown kit recently and said, "Man, these sound about as good as my DW kit." Yes.. yes they certainly do.

I hear some say it's like comparing a Toyota Corolla to a Jaguar. Well, I'm pretty sure a Toyota will never be able to out perform a Jaguar, but I'm positive a mid level or vintage kit can perform just as well as those $7,000 kits.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

From Brewkowski

Spot on! I know a guy that does just that.. he'll buy a $7,000 exotic DW kit with all DW high end hardware and take it to gigs at the local bars.. He sat down and played my Gretsch Renown kit recently and said, "Man, these sound about as good as my DW kit." Yes.. yes they certainly do.

Precisely ! I can't understand it. Proper tuning, good heads and good bearing edges.

All the necessities needed for any drum to sound good.;)

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

From funkypoodle

But once they're done fooling themselves (or want their living room back) they end up getting sold used Excited


Yeah, but at just a little lower than they originally bought it for ;)

Posted on 6 years ago

Sorry Rob....I stand corrected.

landofahhs (Paul)
Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1525 Threads: 127

Of my 13 set's only two are semi modern. I have a little Sonor Safari set Sonor gifted me that I use in very small venues, or small set up area's. The set I use on the majority of my Jazz and some of my R&B gigs is a Gretsch Catalina Jazz set I found on CL a few years ago from a drummer in Deerfield Beach FL. Paid $350 for it. I really like it and sounds great for what I am useing it for. It came to Resurrection Drums in south Florida where this guy purchased it. I was told only 100 set's were made with this particular wrap ? A few years ago I stopped in Resurrection drums on my way home from the airport and showed the guys there a picture of it and one of the guys said he remembered it and was the one who assembled it for floor display. The last few weeks at my outdoor jazz gig I have been taking my Bose clone tower and micing the Bass and snare. It sounds great through it and blends well with the other guys amped instruments. Easy to haul around. 18" 12" 14" 14"

1 attachment
Posted on 6 years ago

This blue sparkle Ludwig Legacy would be the modern kit I'd want. It's the best sounding kit I've heard on youtube. It sounds like drums should sound, especially with good speakers or headphones.


Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

From landofahhs

Sorry Rob....I stand corrected.

No worries ! :)

Posted on 6 years ago

I currently own the modern kit I have always wanted , the Noble and Cooley Horizon series. I have a couple other Modern kits as well that are really nice, but they don’t hit all the buttons like the N&C kit does. The Horizons have thin maple shells mostly in a horizontal layup and an inner ply of African Mahogany. These have a great warmth and are really Resonant. Like vintage drums, they blend more than cut through the music. Fantastic drums by a great family owned US Manufacturer. Their Solid Shell snares are my favourite snares as well.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

If I were going to get a modern set right now it would probably be either a Gretsch USA Custom (although maybe a Broadkaster) or a Ludwig Legacy (in the new Mod Orange). Either is a modern take on vintage style drums. (Un)fortunately I can't afford either but I have PLENTY of drums already. I do have a couple of newer sets though. One is a Gretsch Renown in bop sizes which I redid the cosmetics on, among other things putting on Round Badges. The other is a Ludwig Classic Maple Downbeat sized set in the "Salesman" striped wrap. On that set as well I retro-ized it by adding a rail mount and shell mounted cymbal holder. So even when I get new stuff I try to make it more like the old stuff I generally prefer and I would likely order (or modify) the aforementioned modern sets in a similar fashion if I could afford either of them (I do like having the modern spurs on both these sets though).

Posted on 6 years ago
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