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Seller Feedback


Had a great transaction with BCdrum recently!


Posted on 12 years ago

From wayne

At the risk of being "burned", i doubt there are low lifes here that stoop THAT LOW. Why would a guy,[gal] come here to rip us off intentionally? It makes me happy to report a smooth deal and most of us appreciate that, i think. As much as the good guys are mentioned so should the bad apples be brought out, ONLY if its something that can be proven.

Forgive me here Wayne...

... but why the quotes on my post? I do believe you may have misinterpreted what I wrote: Simply... this thread shall remain. I see NO PROBLEM with a thread that openly acknowledges transactions between VDF members that have gone smoothly with both parties completely, and happily, satisified. It was drumhack that offered his opinion which stated he didn't like such a thread/topic... and that is an opinion he is completely entitled to. That said, again... the thread shall remain! I'm not quite sure exactly what you are referencing in your post.. especially with quoting mine. But... no harm no foul!


Posted on 12 years ago

From wayne

At the risk of being "burned", i doubt there are low lifes here that stoop THAT LOW. Why would a guy,[gal] come here to rip us off intentionally? It makes me happy to report a smooth deal and most of us appreciate that, i think. As much as the good guys are mentioned so should the bad apples be brought out, ONLY if its something that can be proven.

Wayne! maybe you forgot about Tom Mintz??? And the hundred aliases he used, He was and is a total thief and rip off guy who purposely came here and to other forum's trolling for juicy unsuspecting folks to fleece!??!

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 2433 Threads: 483

Tommy, im a hack on a computer and hit the wrong button. Sorry, i was not quoting you in any way and if i was bright enough on these things, i would have corrected it..Very sorry. You run a tight ship here and it impresses me how fair you are with all of us. Nothing but positive vibes from me brother.

Vintage;.I,d forgotten him, although i never did get sucked into his lair. Interestingly though, he is only ONE that comes to mind so it proves the mods are on top of these pin heads.Clapping Happy2

Hit like you mean it!!
Posted on 12 years ago

From RadialProMan

Don't forget Drums2xs. My buddy Rene is one great guy. Recent purchases have been a drum rack w/clamps and some miscellaneous parts. Whatever I'm looking for, Rene seems to have or is able to get it for me very quickly. The nicest part is that I can drop into his shop anytime (the advantage of living only 10 blocks away). Often do so just to chat and see what he's up to. Bob

You sure are right about Rene, Bob! He's the kind of guy who runs a business with honesty and respect for the buyer. When I buy from Rene (King Street Percussion), he doesn't even quote me a price anymore! Basically, it's "Give me what you think is fair, Brian. I know I can trust you." Neither one of us has ever been disapointed.


Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 1071 Threads: 128

From RadialProMan

Don't forget Drums2xs. My buddy Rene is one great guy. Recent purchases have been a drum rack w/clamps and some miscellaneous parts. Whatever I'm looking for, Rene seems to have or is able to get it for me very quickly. The nicest part is that I can drop into his shop anytime (the advantage of living only 10 blocks away). Often do so just to chat and see what he's up to. Bob

Thank's Bob that's such kind words , i'm glad to have you as a valued customer and most important my friend . It was cool taking the time to share a cold beer and talk about drums , Anytime , the doors at ksp is always open to you.

80's 13 pc sonor signature
1979 12 pc ludwig power factory
Posted on 12 years ago

From wayne

Tommy, im a hack on a computer and hit the wrong button. Sorry, i was not quoting you in any way and if i was bright enough on these things, i would have corrected it..Very sorry. You run a tight ship here and it impresses me how fair you are with all of us. Nothing but positive vibes from me brother.Vintage;.I,d forgotten him, although i never did get sucked into his lair. Interestingly though, he is only ONE that comes to mind so it proves the mods are on top of these pin heads.Clapping Happy2


Ah... 'twas just a wrong entry within the reply box! Now it makes sense to me! THANKS for clarifying Wayne! As I had stated earlier, and it still applies: No harm... no foul!


Posted on 12 years ago


I think posting this thread is indeed a good thing. As to this forum becoming an eBay without the fees, I respectfully disagree. I have done almost no buying or selling on this site but I have watched some of these transactions. What is apparent to me is this:

If one is selling on C/L or eBay, you are simply moving a piece of gear or providing a service with the hope of simply generating some revenue whether it is a source of income or the by-product of clearing out some much needed space. There is nothing wrong with that.

The transactions here are rather different. In most cases the seller hopes to make a profit while the buyer hopes to gain a needed item. What is special here is that those involved in commerce seem to get involved with each other with the mutual interest and love for drums and cymbals. Many times forum members go out of their way to make transactions happen: sometimes with no real financial gain. Certainly there is nothing wrong with profit, but it appears to me that many of the transactions occurring here are more akin to hanging out at the locally owned drum shop with people working together to get something that is needed. That is a very different experience than an online auction or using the buy it now feature.

That said, the one purchase I have made here requires a big + 1 for Billnvick.

Very proud owner of a new Blaemire Snare 6.5 x 14 made by Jerry Jenkins "Drumjinx"
Posted on 12 years ago

Hello, tnsquint!

I agree with you completely! MOST of my purchases here on VDF have been very favourable. I have bought items but, have never sold a thing. I have given away several rims, two or three cymbals and even a logo I had made up for a Supreme bass drum head. That's fine. If I can spare an item for a fellow mwmber, I do it with pleasure! It's nothing to do with money. It's all about the love of our hobby!!!


Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 12 years ago

Another thumbs up for Purdie Shuffle... Thanks John.


MY Dirty Little Collection
Posted on 12 years ago
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