One more thing. If you do sew the vinyl into a sleeve and glue it to your shell. Dont put the seam right over the middle of the lug holes. Put the seam just next to the lug holes. If you center the seam over the lug hole, when you puch the hole out through the seam, you will break the thread and the seam will unravel and would be very frustrating for you.
This is from an earlier post... Might need some pointers on matching up tO the wrap on the Premiers. The saMple (pic4) is fAbric from upholstery shop, but the wrap on the tubs is apparently a self-adhesive black vinyl. Looks darn close to Black Panther which is why it caught my eye. NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD BY MORE BLACK DRUMS, BUT HEY, WENT WITH WHAT I LIKED. oDDLY ENOUGH, THE GUY AT THE SHOP recommended that the vinyl be sewn into a tube shape and shimmied on to shell. Go figure!Jump For Joy