That pair on ebay would make a cool set of hihats for the heavy metal guys!
Just kidding...
That pair on ebay would make a cool set of hihats for the heavy metal guys!
Just kidding...
Most here have never had a chance to hear what a pair of these concert cymbals sounds like, so I've posted a soundfile of this pair of 19's. Be sure to wait and listen until the very end because there's a silent gap between the first part and the ending.
[color=black][font=times new roman][size=+1]19" K. Constantinoples[/size][/font][/color]
A very dark and primitive (for lack of a better word) sound, but beautiful indeed. I took that photo but didn't know there was a sound file of these. Was it part of the ebay auction?
A very dark and primitive (for lack of a better word) sound, but beautiful indeed. I took that photo but didn't know there was a sound file of these. Was it part of the ebay auction?
Yes it was.
By the way, do you have any idea what the status of these cymbals is now?
I'll make a call and find out.
Fantastic thread with a ton of great info! Thanks Drumaholic and everyone else who has commented thought the years!
I find it interesting that orchestras are like museums that preserve the music and, in the case of cymbals, instruments that are essential to performing that music. I studied with the percussionists of and have performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. Their collection of cymbals is something they take great pride in and care of. Percussionists through the the eras added their own unique sounds to the cymbal collection and these sounds became part of their repertoire.
If you have some of these cymbals and are interested in preserving them, you may consider, as has been stated previously in this thread, asking an orchestra if they are interested in adding the great sound of these instruments to their collection. My sense is that they will be thrilled and will pay a very fair price for the plates.
Goddamn dropbox!
Here, try this:
Most here have never had a chance to hear what a pair of these concert cymbals sounds like, so I've posted a soundfile of this pair of 19's. Be sure to wait and listen until the very end because there's a silent gap between the first part and the ending.
[color=black][font=times new roman][size=+1]19" K. Constantinoples[/size][/font][/color]
Here, try this:[img][/img]Most here have never had a chance to hear what a pair of these concert cymbals sounds like, so I've posted a soundfile of this pair of 19's. Be sure to wait and listen until the very end because there's a silent gap between the first part and the ending. [color=black][font=times new roman][size=+1]19" K. Constantinoples[/size][/font][/color]
So I clicked on the sound link. Result: pretty error message but no sounds...
At least I don`t have strap marks......
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