I'm going to sell my mid-late 60's 20,12,16 w/ matching snare kit. The wrap is original gold sparkle and looks great. The snare is a rewrap and matches very well. The BD and two toms have serial #'s that are very close (within 1,000 of each other) the snare serial # is 30,000 earlier. Silver interiors, paper ags are all there. BD has one non original rim and no badge. (See pics)
I'm surprised more people haven't chimed in on this kit. Hmmmmm
I have read several threads that lead me to believe that kits being sold from people in the know just don't move well on this forum. When that lady came along that was selling her dads kit, there were buyers coming out of the woodwork making offers. When someone posts a kit and uses the drummer lingo and seems to know what he has, there is very little in the way of responses to these kits. You see them for sale, then for trade, then nothing, then back for sale, then end up either kept or on the cyber flea market....LOL. The crowd here, generally speaking, knows what a deal is and knows that deals do come along and patience is not only a virtue, but more money in their wallets. This is all speculative but I believe it to be true. I have read every for sale thread since I joined this site and base my theories on what I have read.
I honestly believe the best way to sell something on here is to get a brand new ID and pose as a newbie who hasn't a clue. You will get many more responses that way. Set your price naively high and allow the "pros" to talk you down. Have your acceptable price in mind and allow them to talk you to that number then pull the trigger. I honestly believe that allowing someone to feel like they are beating you in a deal triggers ingrained instincts for them to pounce, especially the ones who wait for these types of ads. Appearing desperate is also a bonus. At the end of the day, what do you care as long as you are getting what you want for your kit, and getting it gone. At the very least, you will get more potential buyers, I am positive of this.
Just my twisted view on things, as usual, and good luck with your sale!!
drumhack The Bandx-mas2Toilet:confused:Jump For Joy
"If it doesn't matter who wins or loses then why the hell do they keep score Peg? - Al Bundy