Alright, gonna get into your ears a bit. What are some of your favorite recorded BD sounds, and why? Also, how do you think they got that sound?
I'll start off with the Stones' Honky Tonk Women. I freakin' love that BD! No idea about what kind of mic(s) were used or where the were placed, but it sounds like Charlie might've tuned the heads just tight enough to get the wrinkles out, and left the drum more or less wide open. Totally inspired me to do the same all these years, and with the right heads it's awesome! My 20" Birch Sonor 3000 from the early 90's has been tuned this way its whole life, and that sucker will fill any small or medium size room up, and records beautifully.
Let's get some BD input, then maybe move on to snares?