I have collected a lot of kits over the last dozen years or so. I'm up to 30 total kits (not all of them are vintage). It got to the point where I am renting a climate controlled storage unit and I am keeping most everything in there, because more than half of my basement was just stacks and stacks and stacks of (cased) drums. I have a hardware case with matching hardware for each kit (all the hardware matches each other, not necessarily the brand of drums). Much of my hardware is vintage. I also have a set of cymbals I use for each kit kept in a hard case for each specific kit (I have nearly 300 cymbals).
I was at my storage unit tonight, tying to organize it and use space more efficiently and no matter what I did, it was still super tight space wise. It got to a point where I said to myself: "Some of this stuff has got to go! Why do I need all this stuff anyway?"
I know most of you can empathize with my plight (I know your wives certainly could!) I obviously don't need 30 kits and 300 cymbals, not to mention 30 sets of hardware and cases for everything.
I'm really thinking about downsizing quite a bit, but at the same time, I love all my kits, just as you all do too. How do I decide what stays and what goes? How do I make the "tough" decisions about what I part with? How do I prevent "seller's remorse?"
I am probably stating the obvious, but some things I will base my decisions on are sizes/configurations (duplicates I already have or unique configurations you don't see), Commonness or rareness of wrap/finish, commonness/rareness of actual drums, what sentimental value they hold to me (that's a tough one to answer), etc.
I am curious to see how all of you approach this situation. What is your thought process? How do you make the "tough" decisions? When did you reach your "Gear Epiphany", when you decided enough was enough and some of it had to go?
Thanks for your help. I know most of us can identify with this situation. If we were all saxophone players, where it was very easy to store/display our gear without taking up much space, would we still feel the same way about needing to part with some things?