I have a droid x phone. It has a craigslist app the tells me when ever anyone posts an ad with the word drum or drums in it. Lots of ads for guitar hero drums, 55 gallon drums, brake drums and our kind of drums. Last Friday it notified me of a drum set at a garage sale. I was about to go to the jam, but I emailed asking what kind of drums they were. I got up the next morn and checked my email and there it was. They emailed me back "1962 Ludwig's" I was so excited I was rushing around to get dressed and a cup of coffee. I sped all the way over there and there they were piled out in the yard. They were actually 1969 3 ply Ludwig standard 5 piece 14-12-13-16-22. They had been re-wrapped in yellow cortex. The wrap was warped and bubbling up all over all the shells. The snare has a few broken lugs, A pair of 14" zildjian hi hats and a 20" slingy bass drum were also included for the $75 I paid. After a week of deliberation I have decided to convert these to classic lugs and spurs and tom holders and ft leg brackets.
I am leaning toward covering the shells in the Mod orange from Jammin Sam's.
I checked and I already have 50 classic lugs in stock, and a set of large curved spurs and numerous items I will need for this. I also have 3 B/O badges I think are around 1979 so im not sure about the badge situation yet.
I removed one shell so far and plan on removing the rest today. [COLOR="Red"]I have a summerization at the end of this restoration thread if you care to look. Thanks![/COLOR]