Hi gang,
I have a 1908 Lyon Healy Single Head Snare that I picked up a few years back and am finally getting around to cleaning it up.
I reached out to Jeff of JC cabinets after seeing the amazing job he did on his Mutts kit and thought i'd reach out to our gurus also.
I need some input on how to clean up the exterior grime and the interior haze. I don't want to sand it down and re-stain it but was not sure on the best approach given the age etc.
I read a lot on using tung oil and 0000 steel wool but was not sure if that was the rout to take.
I already took off all the hardware and they are NOB and cleaned up really nicely with some vinegar and then Mothers chrome polish.
Also, never saw red silk-type snares like this for a drum of that age, not sure if they have already been replaced? Anyone else have a drum like this and can let me know what snares are used?
I can get gut snares from Matt of CTProPercussion as he is already making me a replacement head.
Any input and assistance is greatly appreciated.
BTW, I will also use the same approach on my next project . . . a 20-lug Duplex that needs some love (also attached a picture).