It really does matter what the tags say here. The interiors of your drums and the presence of a Fullerton tag with Cleveland/Dayton tags date them positively as Fullerton first issue drums, made immediately after the move from Covington to Fullerton, Ca. This would be 1969.
You have early Fullerton era drums. And your extra cymbal mount was not installed at the factory. Thats where the double tom mount was installed. The forward most location is the proper location. The current location of your double tom post is totally bastard. It is not original. And it grossly devalues the set. And there is a drum missing, this would have been a five piece configuration, two toms on the bass drum. It is still incomplete.
Decisions to buy are made primarily on the information provided by the seller. If the seller is grossly inept, then, the buyer is usually disappointed. If the seller really doesnt know what he has to begin with, then it is impossible for the buyer to make an informed decision. The progression of this thread is very indicative of that. You provided really faulty information, and only badgering managed to nail it down to enough specific information that an accurate determination could be made.
But you have learned a lot about your drums druing this little tirade.
Your Local Snobs.