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Posts: 2433 Threads: 483

Where are they?..I used to see kit popping up quite often,and for good pricing.Anyone have one of these hanging around...It seems poor old Fibes is with Davey Jones!Coffee Break2

Hit like you mean it!!
Posted on 15 years ago

I see them pop up every now and then, when they do the prices always seem pretty good, compared to Fibes stuff anyways. I seem to see orphans and snares a lot more regularly than I do complete kits though.

Posted on 15 years ago

I have a Corder 14x14 clear acrylic ft on my mixed-year Fibes acryl kit. I haven`t seen many out there.

For info. & live schedule:
*Odery Drums Japan endorser/ representative
*Japan Distributor of Vruk DrumMaster pedals
*D'Addario Japan Evans/Promark/Puresound
*Amedia Cymbals Japan

It's the journey not the destination.
Posted on 15 years ago

There wasn't a huge production of either Corder or Darwin. We are just not going to see a huge surplus of Corder/Darwin gear on the market to buy. Too bad, the Corder/Darwin/Austin Fibes are great.

Rogers early Fullerton Blue Strata 22,13,16 w/brass Dynasonic
My first kit, 1983 Ludwig Rocker? (it has the classic lugs and 4ply maple shell) 22,12,13,16 in black oyster pearl. I still have it
Stop Sign USA Gretsch (80's), black nitron jasper shell 22,12,13,16
1995 Fibes Austin,Texas Badge (original owner) 22,10,12,16,18 in natural wood
USA 2007 Rosewood Gretsch 22,13,16 w/12inch 70's Rosewood Gretsch tom
Posted on 15 years ago

I visited the corder plant when it was in huntsville alabama, I bought a 6 1/2x14" chrome over wood maple snare drum it was the free floating design,traded it for a 402 ludwig, but played the daylights out of it the corder i mean!!!!

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 15 years ago

im a fibes collector/player, just picked up a corder 20x14 jasper shell, really looking forward to putting it all together. still looking for a handful of claws and t-rods though.

1972 Fibes clear Acrylic - 24x14, 22x14, 13x9, 16x16, 18x16, 14x5.5
1970 Fibes COF - 24x14, 13x9, 16x16, 18x16
1972 Ludwig Classis Maple - 22x14, 13x9, 16x16
1985 Ludwig Coliseum
Posted on 14 years ago

I know it`s an older posting originally but just wanted to share some quick pics of the Darwin kit I bought yesterday. They`re a bit dinged up, def. players, but will work on them in the future once I get some other projects outta the way. 10,12,14,22. I believe the BD is Keller and the toms are Jasper the best I can tell compared to my Corder toms` wood layering. Anyway, put these on RIMS mounts to make the Pearl mounts somewhat tolerable. I have an extra Corder 16" FT that I`ll re-finish someday and add to this project but til then, just gonna play them as is. The blue lacquer finish is pretty and kinda growin` on me (for now).

2 attachments
Posted on 13 years ago
Loading... search for information on Corder drums brought me to this forum. I own a 1990 4 x 14 Corder snare in mahogany lacquer, still in beautiful shape. I played it with a jazz set of 1991 Ludwig Super Classics, also in mahogany lacquer...ordered the Corder from Colorado after hearing that they might go out of business. It must be from near the end of the company history before their sale. The color doesn't quite match the Ludwigs...a little more orange. But the drum is perfect for small bars or big noisy rooms...lots of range. I've been thinking of selling it, but find nothing like it to help me set a value. Does somebody else own Corders in that lacquer?

Posted on 13 years ago

From Coloradopark search for information on Corder drums brought me to this forum. I own a 1990 4 x 14 Corder snare in mahogany lacquer, still in beautiful shape. I played it with a jazz set of 1991 Ludwig Super Classics, also in mahogany lacquer...ordered the Corder from Colorado after hearing that they might go out of business. It must be from near the end of the company history before their sale. The color doesn't quite match the Ludwigs...a little more orange. But the drum is perfect for small bars or big noisy rooms...lots of range. I've been thinking of selling it, but find nothing like it to help me set a value. Does somebody else own Corders in that lacquer?

Hey man, post a pic or two and maybe someone can help out a little more. I own a couple of Corder snares but neither cost me over $130 on the bay. I did see one 8x14 like mine recently go for $200 so maybe things are on the rise for them. Sorry I can`t help more on that but please shoot us some pics.

Posted on 13 years ago

From vintagemore2000

I visited the corder plant when it was in huntsville alabama, I bought a 6 1/2x14" chrome over wood maple snare drum it was the free floating design,traded it for a 402 ludwig, but played the daylights out of it the corder i mean!!!!

Those were great Jasper-shell snares by Corder. I set myself up as a Corder dealer in the very early 80's and sold a small handful of kits. One for myself too, of course, and I had the same snare with the SFT strainer on it. Really nice. The Corder family did build some nice kits. Another early user was Bermuda Schwartz.

JR Frondelli

Mediocre is the new "good"
Posted on 13 years ago
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