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Drum snobbery!


Disposable kits- its been done before, its just that the bass player would keep dumping it back on my doorstep a few days later!

Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 3972 Threads: 180

From Adam_Cargin

Now that I think of it...didn't Slingerland try that for a bit in the 80's with the cardboard shells?

... and Rogers!

Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 2433 Threads: 483

TADA...That reminds me of Henny Youngman....I take my wife all over the world on vacation;Problem is she keeps finding her way back home!Falling Do

Hit like you mean it!!
Posted on 15 years ago

Remo make pretty good drum heads- They still in the US?

Posted on 15 years ago

From tada---da---da--da--daaaa

Remo make pretty good drum heads- They still in the US?

FYI With the help of google & wikipedia:

"Remo is an American drumhead and banjo head company."

"Remo has factories in the USA and in Taiwan, where the "UT" versions are made."

Soooo.... One can wail away on ones Remo heads, without ever even touching those controversial MIJ drums.

Mister T (i.e. If you can't join 'em, BEAT 'EM!!!!") D' Drummer

Interesting article :

...but when he played on his drum, he made the stars explode....
Posted on 15 years ago

From tada---da---da--da--daaaa

Disposable kits- its been done before...

I was just on the Musician's Friend website and all I could find was disposable kits.

Posted on 15 years ago

My approach is to buy what works best for my situation. I drive Toyota, Mazda Miata and Volvo. My TV is Sony. My drums are Camco, Rogers, Sonor, Ludwig, Tempus, Dunnett and Slingerland.(No Asian drums.) All this being said, because I make my living drumming, everthing was purchased 2nd hand which makes me part of the underground economy with an international world view. I just try to buy good goods. I also fly the Earth flag. Best damn planet in the solar system. Stuff from Mars sucks!

Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 6288 Threads: 375

From MastroSnare

I was just on the Musician's Friend website and all I could find was disposable kits.

Falling DoFalling DoFalling DoLaughing HLaughing HLaughing H

Posted on 15 years ago

I was just on the Musician's Friend website and all I could find was disposable kits.

I have my eye on this one for my new "disposable" set up. Looks like it comes with disposable cymbals as well!

Posted on 15 years ago

From Adam_Cargin

I have my eye on this one for my new "disposable" set up. Looks like it comes with disposable cymbals as well!

What I find funny, is that set is about the same as the first set of drums I bought after playing snare and whatever I could find for a few years. It was a set of blue sparkle Crown drums, from Buckley's Music in Halifax, and probably 1969.

Here's the thing, it's 40 years later, my Crowns didn't come with a hihat or stool, and they cost $150 at the time.

Something wrong there... a new car was $4000 in '69.

Meanwhile, after being in business since the 1920's, Buckley's went bankrupt last spring and is no more.

As a side note: 3 years after buying the Crown's for $150, I bought my 50's Gretsch set w/old K's for $125.

Posted on 15 years ago
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