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First post: Ludwig on Craigslist - Rocker?


Hello vintage drum experts - this is my first post. Full disclosure: In general I'm a terrible forum guy. I love to read and learn but I don't know enough to give my opinion very often.

(About me: I've been playing drums since I was 10 - so, 35 years now - but I've been doing other stuff too so I'm not 1/2 as good as I should be. Mostly groove/funk - anything with a deep pocket is where I want to live. Recently started playing more seriously as a drummer and for the first time started trying to learn about gear, but most of my attention up to now has gone to vintage Zildjian As, not the shells so much. So here I am).

Anyway, it seems like y'all are into this kinda thing. $400 on craigslist down in the swampy panhandle:




Those are the only pics (which don't give me a lot of confidence in the care the drums have been given over the years). He's calling it "early 70s" but from my bit of research it looks like a Rocker from probably the late 80s.

However, my guess is that those Zildjian cymbals might be worth the price of admission anyway, then sell off all the hardware and stuff and maybe get a killer set of cymbals for a song.

Anyway - what do you experts say on this - is it a rocker or is it really from the early 70s?

Should I tap that and cannibalize it for the cymbals? Would I be able to make enough back for it to be worth it? (Honestly I'm not interested in those drums. If anything I'm looking for a fusion setup - 20/10/12/14 light and tight - but the cymbals look cool and I'm wondering if it's worth it).

Any info/opinions would be most appreciated. Thanks!

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

It's a Rocker set all right and probably a fairly early one since it's using the standard Ludwig double tom post. Rockers didn't even come out until around 1980 so early 70's misses the mark by about a decade. The early ones are pretty decent drums using a four ply shell that was probably the exact same maple/poplar layup as the Ludwig Super Classic sets offered at that time (the standard top of the line set was the Classic with a six ply shell but you could order the four ply Super Classics if you preferred a thinner shell). I recently bought a set of these in that same color for a friend's daughter. They were a later version with Pearl style elbow arms supporting the toms. They sounded great, even with crappy old heads on them. I almost kept them but I don't need any more drums. So you might be surprised although the power sized toms are out of fashion...although if you turn them into floor toms they are dandy for a mini fusion kit with a 10" up top.

Cymbals, hard to say, depends on what they are and how they sound. They could be great or they could be manhole covers, hard to say about Zildjians (as they look to be) from the same era as these drums. Of course they could be older or newer. IF they are all cast Zildjians (or some other of equivalent reputation like Sabian or Paiste) they could well be worth the price of admission or at least a good chunk thereof. Might be worth a personal look see/listen.

Posted on 5 years ago

From K.O.

although the power sized toms are out of fashion...although if you turn them into floor toms they are dandy for a mini fusion kit with a 10" up top.Cymbals, hard to say, depends on what they are and how they sound. They could be great or they could be manhole covers, hard to say about Zildjians (as they look to be) from the same era as these drums. Of course they could be older or newer. IF they are all cast Zildjians (or some other of equivalent reputation like Sabian or Paiste) they could well be worth the price of admission or at least a good chunk thereof. Might be worth a personal look see/listen.

Good points - thanks. Converting to floor toms - that's a GREAT idea! In terms of tom sizes and probably kick size (no sizes listed) it's almost exactly the opposite of what I'm looking for personally, but with some conversion work, maybe.

That right side Zildjian is definitely 80s solid logo. I could swear that hi hat looks earlier. My old pair of solid logo 80s New Beats - I beat those things senseless and couldn't get those logos to fade much. So my guess is maybe 1980 ish hollow logos.

Really it's the cymbals that interest me. The possibility of dropping $400 (or less if he takes an offer), cleaning up the shells to flip and ending up with some nice Zildjian As for like $50 or even $0...OR, the mini fusion kit idea is intriguing. Anyway I just needed to see if my super fast research was right: Rockers and thus, not early 70s.

I'll start with emailing for some more pics and info - I mean, come on. (Craigslist, man).

I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me on this. THANKS!

Posted on 5 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me that people can't take better photos of drums when they're trying to sell them. You'd think he could take the towel, or shirt, or whatever it is, off the snare drum, and put the drums in a better setting that looks attractive to a potential buyer. Offer him less than $400 if you want the cymbals.

Posted on 5 years ago

From DrumBob

It never ceases to amaze me that people can't take better photos of drums when they're trying to sell them. You'd think he could take the towel, or shirt, or whatever it is, off the snare drum, and put the drums in a better setting that looks attractive to a potential buyer. Offer him less than $400 if you want the cymbals.


I hate to give lazy sellers there asking price, and for sure, this is a lazy seller! His lack of effort will probably keep interest low.

But if you really don't want the drums, maybe he'll sell the cymbals separately. Wouldn't hurt to ask...

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 5550 Threads: 576

Any way welcome welcome

April 2nd 1969 scarfed pink champagne holly wood and 65/66 downbeat snare, and , supra same year very minty kit old pies
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp

once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
Posted on 5 years ago

Thanks guys.

Indeed, it sure would be nice to get a peak at that snare - without driving an hour and a half.

I got stymied by financial reality, but maybe in a few weeks. I get the feeling you're right that interest will be low. Everything moves SLOWLY down here it seems, especially musical gear, and especially poorly presented musical gear. I might be able to low-ball on just cymbals. Or maybe contact him, drive out and lowball on the whole thing. I don't think I'd pay full price at any rate, and once he's sees those 2 crisp hondos...

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

I paid $100 for the set I bought, but no cymbals were included and just a couple of stands. If they had had that traditional Ludwig tom mount setup like this set does I might have kept them but our friend's daughter had her initial cheap Sound Percussion drum set destroyed by a hurricane (her dad was stationed near Panama City, Florida) so they went to her as a replacement/upgrade. They sure sounded good though.

Probably $300 in cymbals there so anything south of that is a great deal.

Posted on 5 years ago

Yep ,What KO said and who knows what's under the blanket.


Posted on 5 years ago

From DRUMR69

Yep ,What KO said and who knows what's under the blanket.Wayne


I'll take it!

[Then I wake up...]

Posted on 5 years ago
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