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Ludwig tom


Hi guys, newbie here. I was lucky enough to find a Ludwig 9x13 tom in BDP this weekend at an antiques flea market. The wrap is great, all the hardware is there, in great shape, and everything looks original. I'm almost embarrassed to say I got it for about half of what I paid to take my wife to lunch afterwards, lol. I even showed the woman in the booth a Luddie Club Date tom selling on ebay for over $300, same size and color. She said she had done her research, but it had belonged to a family friend, an older gentleman who had recently passed away, and his kids found it in the basement and gave it to her, hoping it would find a happy home. It's an orphan, and no one knows what happened to the rest of the kit. I'm not a Luddie expert, but judging by the SN and the bracket, it looks like a 1964 Hollywood model. Can anyone back me up on that or provide some more info, or maybe some direction on where to find its friends?

3 attachments
Posted on 7 years ago

Hello, nice drum. Definitely 60s era. As far as I know ebay is your best bet to finding matching drums in bdp. Check craigslist and reverb too.

Probably not much help, but here's a local (to me) craigslist ad for slightly newer bdp Ludwigs than yours.

Here's a 60s era bdp kit in Decatur, GA.

Posted on 7 years ago

Is the baseball bat tone control pad, Red.?

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 6170 Threads: 255

I can't tell for sure, but the serial number may be 91781? If so, that would be an early '65 drum most likely. Could have red or white felt muffler. Could have brass or steel hoops as this was a transition period. Based on it having the diamond mount, I'd think this would be the ride tom for a Super Classic setup. The Hollywoods during this period had a small round mount that resembles a concert tom mount. Shortly after, the Hollywood mounts went to the common mount that use the L arm. I think this drum would have been used with a rail mount.


Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 771 Threads: 132

From ATeam

Hi guys, newbie here. I was lucky enough to find a Ludwig 9x13 tom in BDP this weekend at an antiques flea market. The wrap is great, all the hardware is there, in great shape, and everything looks original. I'm almost embarrassed to say I got it for about half of what I paid to take my wife to lunch afterwards, lol. I even showed the woman in the booth a Luddie Club Date tom selling on ebay for over $300, same size and color. She said she had done her research, but it had belonged to a family friend, an older gentleman who had recently passed away, and his kids found it in the basement and gave it to her, hoping it would find a happy home. It's an orphan, and no one knows what happened to the rest of the kit. I'm not a Luddie expert, but judging by the SN and the bracket, it looks like a 1964 Hollywood model. Can anyone back me up on that or provide some more info, or maybe some direction on where to find its friends?

You will be looking for a 22 and a 16 shortly...Haha nice job bud

Keep fixing them up...
Posted on 7 years ago

Thanks for the replies guys. Yes, it's got a red felt, white paint inside (no date stamp), and that is the right SN. I'm pretty sure the hoops are steel, not brass. The diamond mount is what is throwing me a bit. The Ludwigs I've seen use the L arm mount or the small round mount. So finding a kick with the right mount might be a little tough, but easy to swap out. I'm leaning towards selling or trading it because I don't have any Luddies. On the other hand, I may just start looking around for the right pieces because ... I don't have any Luddies. Also, my first kit was an old Kent in BDP and the finish brings me back, so there's that too.

Posted on 7 years ago

So , can I ask what is so special about a red felt muffler? I have a drum just like yours but also have a 16" ft. I am looking for a 22 also.

Thank you!
Jeff C

"Enjoy every sandwich" Warren Zevon
Posted on 7 years ago

Yeah, the mount was throwing me as well. Nice drum!

It's very possible that someone is looking for this drum, if you are going to flip it as mentioned. Finding orphans as specific as year, hardware finish, mount, and wrap make this drum a holy grail to someone sitting on a partial kit.

I spent 3 years looking for 2 specific minty 1964 BDP toms (13 & 16) to add to my Ludwig Downbeat kit. But I did find them. Someone out there is most likely looking for the one you have.

1964 Ludwig Downbeat Black Diamond Pearl (12,13,14,16,20)
1976 Ludwig Stainless Steel "Bop" (12,14,18)
1998 Ayotte "Ray Era" Wood Hoop Copper Sparkle (10,12,14,16,20)
Posted on 7 years ago

From jccabinets

So , can I ask what is so special about a red felt muffler? I have a drum just like yours but also have a 16" ft. I am looking for a 22 also.

Red felt BB bat mufflers were used until late 1964 / early 1965. It helps to date the drum, BUT it is not an exact science. I own 2 original 1964 Supras. One with red felt, one with white.

1964 Ludwig Downbeat Black Diamond Pearl (12,13,14,16,20)
1976 Ludwig Stainless Steel "Bop" (12,14,18)
1998 Ayotte "Ray Era" Wood Hoop Copper Sparkle (10,12,14,16,20)
Posted on 7 years ago
Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

Ludwig was, and still is to some folks here, the only relevant brand in the drum world. It's everywhere. This translates to Ludwig drum sets and orphan drums being much more plentiful than other brands. I doubt that it would take as long as a week to find a floor tom and bass drum in this very common wrap if someone were to use this forum, other drum forums, eBay, Reverb, and Crag's List to search for them. Chances are that you would end up with a second mounted tom, too.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 7 years ago
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