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Posts: 1525 Threads: 127

I knew Jim Corder and his 3 Son's. The youngest Son Ken and I went from 8-12 grade together. I bought my first Ludwig set from Jim when I was 14.

Years later I taught at his music store in front of the drum factory. They were a great family and fine drum makers. Jim also gifted me my 14x22 and 8x12 Chanute Camco's. They matched the silver sparkle Ludwigs I bought from him years earlier. They also made the rainbow jingles tambourines and flip folders for marching instruments. He was quite the inventor. Another little known fact is he came up with the idea of the clear acrylic drums and presented it and a prototype to William F Ludwig. They passed and "viola" guess what?

He got screwed out of Millions.

I just wish I had bought one of his jazz series Jasper shell kit's.

Posted on 13 years ago

I just found this site after finding a set of 4 Corder toms. Some of the hardware is missing but the hoops are all there and still round. Is there a place where I can find parts to fix these up?? Heads are in decent shape but new ones will be ordered too.

I'm a clarinet player so drums are not my thing (hence the name nondrummer. clever right :) I'm usually pretty good with fixing things up. Any help would be appreciated!!

Posted on 13 years ago

Did you ever put those toms together nondrummer?

Posted on 9 years ago

From bbeyer

Did you ever put those toms together nondrummer?

I don't think I'd hold my breath waiting for your answer! Seems that member "nondrummer" was a one-time poster and never heard from again.


Posted on 9 years ago

From wayne

Where are they?..I used to see kit popping up quite often,and for good pricing.Anyone have one of these hanging around...It seems poor old Fibes is with Davey Jones!Coffee Break2

Go get it!

Posted on 9 years ago

Fibes Drums are out there in the world for sure- I have one Corder set made of jasper I believe that sounds outta this world terrific.

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For info. & live schedule:
*Odery Drums Japan endorser/ representative
*Japan Distributor of Vruk DrumMaster pedals
*D'Addario Japan Evans/Promark/Puresound
*Amedia Cymbals Japan

It's the journey not the destination.
Posted on 9 years ago

Speak of the devil.

Found this on Craigslist for $125

[ame=""]Corder wood snare drum 14x5 - YouTube[/ame]

Needs a rewrap though.

Posted on 9 years ago

From OsakaBop

Fibes Drums are out there in the world for sure- I have one Corder set made of jasper I believe that sounds outta this world terrific.

hey nice kit! I like the color scheme ;)

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Posted on 9 years ago

From pgm554

Speak of the devil.Found this on Craigslist for $125 Corder wood snare drum 14x5 - YouTubeNeeds a rewrap though.

I had one just like it in 6 1/2x14" size.

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 9 years ago

I have the same snare, but I wrapped mine in green sparkle. IT was a KILLER deal through this forum.. Given to me by MARIOSDRUMS.. because it needed parts. Thanks again, man!

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Posted on 9 years ago
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