...Fish, that set was gorgeous. I always though the hex hardware looked better, but man I got tired of replacing the tom mounts. The spurs on that kit did not look stock though.
Yup, you're right, they're not stock. The originals had already been replaced, and the replacements broken when I got the kit. These are some generic spurs I had kicking around.
The kit, as found did not include a snare. I just happened to have a Pearl COS snare shell with the matching badge in my parts pile, so I built it out. The snare is not impressive, but the badge matches!
Long story short; the friends son is eleven years old. He loves the kit, is taking lessons, and doing quite well. He got them last July, for his birthday.
The way my fractured mind works, I'm thinking that if he sticks with drums, and advances in the craft and art, that kit will be quite the chick magnet.
The kit ain't a Maserati, but they are equal in 'cool' as a vintage Mustang. So, there you go... chick magnet. Cool1
Anyway, the moral of my tale is, hang onto the kit, Mr. slingerland. They sound incredible, and look even better!