My grandson is already chomping at the bit to get at these drums. I have been rehabing a ludwig super classics early 60s kit but now I think these exports will do just fine for his beginning/learning. I also have an early/mid 60s round badge Gretsch 12,12,14-14 snare 20 kick that I gathered all parts for and I am going to rewrap those for another grandson. The way things are going maybe I won't have to give those to him. Its becoming harder to talk some grandson into Guitar,Keyboards.
I am not a collector, as all the kits I have are players kits but so far 3 are vintage so even if I don't find anymore kits I,ll be a happy man.
These are the vintage drums.Snare goes with the Gretsches that I wound up giving 150 dollars for. Ludwig wmp were a yard sale find also. Tom