Please forgive the lack of 'vintage' here. There is a fellow forum member on here who I was hangin' with at one of his gigs. He was showing me his kit, and there, in the midst of more higher-end sophisticated cymbals were a pair of Zildjian ZBT HHs. I stepped back and listened to them, as well as played them.....and by golly, they sounded GREAT.
Then at church, the HHs are those ZBTs again - and noticed at church the other day how bright and crispy they were.
Does anyone else have any praise for these? Perhaps these are the best part of the ZBT line. I infact have a ZBT plus bottom HH, with a bunch of bumps on them, simulating some rippling like the Mastersounds or Sound Edges....and it indeed is a great sounding HH with whatever I land on top of it.
What say you guys about these ZBT HHs?
Oh - I must not forget to ask....does anyone know if there is any difference in these over the years, like different generations of them - change in lathing or composition or anything?