Hi guys,
I started out here trying to identify my vintage drums, but Mikey and Jonni helped me determine that the drums are relatively worthless and I should focus on the cymbals! So, here is what we've determined so far:
Zildjian 12" Splash, 1980+
Zildjian 16" Thin Crash, 1980+
Zildjian 19" (something) 1950s(?)
Zildjian 15" Hi Hat 1950s or 1970s(?)
I have photos here: http://benfineman.com/drums_for_sale/Site/Drums.html
I also tried to weigh the 19", and if my cheap kitchen scale is to be trusted it's about 2200g.
Anything else I can do to help identify the 19" and the hi hat?
Evan also provided this link for Zildjian stamps, but man, they all kind of blend together to me.
Continuing thanks.