When I was a kid i took drum lessons from an old jazz player in Quincy, Massachusetts. It was about 30 years ago. He hooked me up with my first cymbal which was a Zildjian Ride cymbal. He told me and my dad that he had a friend that worked at the Zildjian factory (which was and still is located about 20 minutes from me) and he could get some factory second cymbals for dirt cheap. My understanding was that if a cymbal didn't meet the standards of the testers, it would be stamped with an "S" which stood for second quality and would be sent to be melted down for new cymbals. Sounds like someone who worked there had an insider racket going on there and was making a couple of extra bucks on the side by grabbing these factory seconds and selling them off. I have no way of proving this but the Ride cymbal does have a"S" stamped in it. Has anyone ever heard of something similiar happening. I am cuious if any collectors would be interested in it. By the way it is still my main ride. LOL
Here is a link with some pictures: http://www.pearldrummersforum.com/showthread.php?t=199559