Hey, I just bought an Avedis Zildjian Ride on Ebay with 14" Quick beat hats for 170$ shipped, and I had a few questions regarding the ride cymbal...
It is very thin, and has circular lathing all around it, but I can notice very subtle hammering ALL OVER the cymbal. The bell is darker than any other bell I have ever heard, and is fairly big. The sound of it is very complex, and almost trashy like a paper thin K.. Is this cymbal likley to be older than the 1960's?
The stamp indicates that it's age is somewhere between 1963-1968, but the sound is so dark and washy that it very much resembles an old K... One of the best cymbal I have ever heard, no doubt!
Has anyone had a lot of experience with these Avedis 60's rides? I thought they were supposed to be very bright cymbals. This ride can play jazz all over the place!