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Zildjian A 20" ride id

Posts: 1725 Threads: 135

I know it's a question that's been asked 1000s of times and I should know the answer by now...but I don't - sorry. So, what era is this cymbal from? My guess is late 50s but I'm just not sure.

it's a 20" and weighs a shade under 1800g.


Golden Curtain
Posted on 12 years ago

From Fayray

I know it's a question that's been asked 1000s of times and I should know the answer by now...but I don't - sorry. So, what era is this cymbal from? My guess is late 50s but I'm just not's a 20" and weighs a shade under 1800g.

Late 50's is right.

Posted on 12 years ago
Posts: 1725 Threads: 135

Thanks very much.


Golden Curtain
Posted on 12 years ago
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