Another of many in a series:
Would you buy or punt? That is the question. No pictures (at a local store), but I shall describe (hopefully) adequately enough for you to render a verdict:
The kit in question is 12"/16"/20" red sparkle with matching wood hoops. The kit appears to be a Pearl branded kit-Luan with re-rings. The reason I say "appears" is that the floor tom is certainly Pearl branded (the drum key operated leg brackets say so-straight legs by the way), but the bass drum and rack tom lugs seem just slightly different, so it might be a mish-mash of brands. The floor tom has an internal tone control, the rack tom does not. The interiors all appear the same, though.
Also, the rack tom "thumb" bracket is diamond shaped. Is that indicative of Pearl? The bass drum has a rail mount ("thumb" bracket with circular angle adjustment-much like a Ludwig) and a cymbal bracket with the cymbal arm missing (of course!). The cymbal bracket is the "baseball bat" style that raises and lowers the acceptor bracket (mounted on the shell) by turning the "bat". I have never seen the cymbal arm that actually fits into one of these. Also, would this be indicative of Pearl?
The wrap on the rack tom and bass drum (the possibly non-Pearl drums) seems to be slightly different than the floor tom. The sparkle has tighter "grains" on the rack/bass, is a little bit lighter in color than the floor tom, and is smoother to the touch. Underneath a small section of missing wrap on the bass drum (small abrasion from tom rash), it appears to be silver sparkle wrap underneath, although I can't tell for sure. I am guessing that maybe the previous owner had some orphans and bought some of that sparkle drum wrap contact paper crap on ebay and wrapped his orphans to match. Just a guess on that, though.
The original spur brackets are missing (holes not filled in), and have been replaced by modern Premier spurs, but with the telescoping bottom parts (legs with rubber feet) missing entirely! There is also some possible mild water damage inside the bass drum and a little bit of cracking/drying out of the Luan here and there, but certainly nothing worse than I have seen before. As an added bonus, the front head on the bass drum is a calfskin WFL!
They (the store) are asking $249 for it, which I think we can all agree is too much, based on their condition. The lowest they will go is $175, because it is a consignment and they already paid the previous owner the money (minus their selling fee). Kinda dumb to pay the previous owner before they sell, but that's just me.
I know it's hard without pictures, but generally speaking, I still think it is a bit high, especially considering the missing original spurs, missing cymbal arm (although that's common) and the possible mish-mash/re-wrap of rack and bass. I am more inclined to say about the $125 range is more fair and accurate.
What say you?? For what it's worth, this would serve as a cheap "rehearsal only" kit that I would leave at my guitarists house, so I wouldn't feel too bad if they got dinged, dented, or were used by an guitarist or other random, over enthusiastic guest who thinks they can try to play the drums.
I welcome your opinions. Thanks!